Tag: cheese

  • Pasta in a flash!

    Quick Creamy Tomato Pasta As a busy mum, I sometimes get so wrapped up in things I forget about organising meals for Madame until she says ‘mummy I’m hungry’.  Quick check of the watch and realise, yes, it’s dinner time and I need something quick.  This is one of those recipes that you can throw…

  • Chicken Myers Recipe

    Prior to meeting my husband I lived with someone for 6 years and this recipe is pretty much all I walked away with, thanks to the lack of common law legislation in this country! ;-) However, this is one of my favourite recipes.  Honestly, it tastes better than it looks. You will need: 1 small…

  • Canada’s National Dish

    I’ve just booked flights home to Canada in the summer and I’m a bit excited so thought I would teach you something about Canada.  As Canada is such a diverse place the national dish is debatable. Most people tend to associate Maple Syrup with Canada but contrary to popular belief it doesn’t flow through our…