Tag: facebook
How to add YouTube Videos to Facebook Landing Page
This post assumes that you’re already familiar with adding Facebook FBML pages, if not take a step back and have a look at Making the Most of your Facebook Fan Pages, which will show you how to add one to your fan page. To tart up your Landing Page on Facebook you may want to…
Making the Most of Facebook Fanpages
After Reading Emily’s (@MTJAM) guest post over at Blogger.ed about Making the Most of Your Fanpage I set about trying to apply some of the suggestions and to say the least it wasn’t that easy. Emily suggested, along with a load of other great ideas, to get a Vanity URL for your Fanpage and then…
How to Stop People from Tagging you in Photos on FB
This is a major pitfall of Facebook as there is no setting to automatically stop people from doing this. There is nothing like going out on the razz and then finding your face plastered (in all senses) all over FB for the world to see, including family, spouses and possibly future employers! You can untag…