Tag: her

  • So why the h*ll is it called a Snood?

    I appreciate you can wear it around your neck like a scarf or pull it up over your head like a hoody?  So, why is it not call a Scoody, Hoofy, Scardy, Shoody, Hody, Horf or some other daft combination?  The ‘sn’ bit has me a bit perplexed.  Can anyone shed some light on this?…

  • Christmas Gift Ideas

    Alpaca Country Socks?  Wine Glass Draining Rack? Pocket Folding Secateurs? Rainbow Coloured Hip Flasks?  Robin’s Eggs Soaps? Quick Drying Hair Turban? Pocket Fishing Rod? Computer Mug Warmer? I can see why The Handpicked-Collection prides themselves in unusual and inspiring gifts. I was sent a catalogue to peruse. I really struggled to choose something to review…