Tag: me

  • ‘Come Dine with Me’ with Class: A Feast through India

    What do you get when you cross a Canadian, Australian, Irish Woman, Indian, Mexican and a couple of Brits? It sounds, like a start to a really bad racist joke, but in fact, it was the start of a wonderful evening. I have to admit that prior to being invited to a Supper Club I…

  • The Land of Me – Interactive Story Book

    I don’t know why I didn’t think I was going to like this, when in fact I really did.  There are 6 Chapters that you can download for children age 2-6 (Shape, Size and Colour, The World Outside, Making things, Rhythm and Dance, Songs and Rhymes and Story Time).  I absolutely love the music in…

  • Things Kids Say….

    and 9 other things that make me smile. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBaDHUt67eQ] Thanks to Heather @notesfromlapland for tagging me for this one.  I think she took pity on me, as noone had tagged me yet.  As usual, I’d like to make this open to everyone (not sure if this is against the rules) but it would be great…