Tag: not

  • Things you shouldn’t say to your kids

    I was walking to Sainsbury’s the other day, it’s just around the corner, and came across a mum, possibly a 2-3 year old in the stroller and their dog, suitably on a lead.  The dog was whimpering a bit, nothing really.  But then I heard the child from the pram say ‘shut up’ to the…

  • Things not to buy kids!

    I don’t know what possessed my husband to buy one of these for my daughter’s scooter. Last week we saw a couple of kids with them in the park and I clearly remember stating what a ridiculous idea I thought it was. As usual it obviously went in one ear and out the other. He…

  • Replacement Windows

    We desperately needed new windows.  They were single pane and the frames were rotting.  In winter, you could feel the gale force winds coming through.  We really couldn’t afford it but had to push the boat out to get some new ones.  To save a few pennies hubby decided against having a professional company do…

  • I’m not racist….

    but, I don’t like; Black Wine Gums Black Jelly Beans Black Liquorice Black Jeans Black Clouds Black Pudding Black Coffee Black Plastic Black Ink Blackboards Weird….