Me and my big Gob! You’d think I would have learned by now. I don’t know how many times I’ve agreed to do things under the influence. So far, I’ve done three ½ marathons, Skydiving, Bungee Jumping, the Moonwalk, accepted a marriage proposal and conceived! This time I’ve managed to get tangled up in doing the Gower Challenge, in South Wales on behalf of Breast Cancer Awareness.
It’s going to be a Tweet Up with a difference. I’ll be doing a 22 mile coastal walk with @chickenruby, @pennynash, @beachhut81 and @Gawnee in June, now known as the #twitsfortits. All amazing people and its great cause so I’m up for it! We’re all doing it for different reasons and I’m looking forward to them sharing their stories.
I appreciate in the current climate that people aren’t in a position to donate a lot but I’ve worked out that we have over 3700 followers between us, so if you all donate 20p we should make our target. We would be most grateful. You can donate here and you can also follow our progress here. I’m fairly confident it’ll be entertaining and worth every penny!
I must run and start my training….I’m off to the kitchen to get a glass of wine.
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