Tweetup with a Difference

Me and my big Gob!  You’d think I would have learned by now.  I don’t know how many times I’ve agreed to do things under the influence.  So far, I’ve done three ½ marathons, Skydiving, Bungee Jumping, the Moonwalk, accepted a marriage proposal and conceived!  This time I’ve managed to get tangled up in doing the Gower Challenge, in South Wales on behalf of Breast Cancer Awareness.

It’s going to be a Tweet Up with a difference.  I’ll be doing a 22 mile coastal walk with @chickenruby, @pennynash, @beachhut81 and @Gawnee in June, now known as the #twitsfortits. All amazing people and its great cause so I’m up for it!  We’re all doing it for different reasons and I’m looking forward to them sharing their stories.

I appreciate in the current climate that people aren’t in a position to donate a lot but I’ve worked out that we have over 3700 followers between us, so if you all donate 20p we should make our target.  We would be most grateful.  You can donate here and you can also follow our progress here.  I’m fairly confident it’ll be entertaining and worth every penny!

I must run and start my training….I’m off to the kitchen to get a glass of wine.





8 responses to “Tweetup with a Difference”

  1. @pennynash Avatar

    The only wine for me will be wine gums and I’m sure my rucksack will be weighed down with them at the start!
    My mum had breast cancer and later died from lung cancer. Anything I can do to help stop this disease ruining anybody elses lives I will do.
    I’m quite looking forward to actually meeting people I tweet with too

    1. mediocre_mum Avatar

      So you don't mind carrying some of our wine????

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  3. Ceri Avatar

    I wish you all the luck x x My mother had breast cancer 13 yrs ago. Thankfully it was removed and is now clear.Sadly a new cancer has struck my Family and will not be so lucky x Well done to you x

    1. mediocremum Avatar

      Thanks for all of your support. Glad to hear your mum is a survivor. Can't beleive how many people are affected by it, so many people have been sharing their stories. This is for them!

  4. Mike Sullivan Avatar
    Mike Sullivan

    Late November 2008, I found a suspicious lump. The timing was immaculate – my wife was one day away from her due date with our second child. The good ol’ NHS swung into action and the lump was positively identified as a tumour. Remember that day in early December 2008 when the snow fell and England ground to a halt for 12 hours? My wife’s waters broke at 5am on that day. The journey from our house to Dewsbury hospital – only a matter of 6 miles – took the better part of an hour. As she was admitted and started going through the motions, my mobile rang and I took a call from Wakefield hospital telling me that my bed was ready and I was going to undergo an operation that day to remove the tumour. Another 12 miles in pathetic traffic.

    By midday, I was anesthetized and woke again at 3pm – one stone lighter but still weighing the same. My mother – bless her – had flown back from Australia two days previously after visiting my sister. She drove 200 miles to our house, grabbed a taxi to Pinderfields and was there when I woke. I bullied the staff into releasing me by 7pm and was told to go home and rest. Mother drove my car back to Dewsbury hospital where I met up with my lovely, long-suffering wife. She was just being given an epidural. I was back in time. I needn’t have rushed. Things, as I was told repeatedly, would happen in their own good time. The staff set up a camp-bed next to her bed so that I could catch a few hours of sleep. Early the following morning, after a failed attempt at a forceps delivery, our baby proved to be well and truly stuck and became distressed. Twenty-four hours after her waters broke, the decision was taken that she needed to go for an emergency c-section and our second daughter was born.

    For my part, the biopsy was positive. It was a classic seminoma with little ingress into the surrounding tissue. It had been caught early and treated rapidly. The good news was delivered at a clinic appointment on Christmas Eve. I will be undergoing checks at regular intervals for the next five years, but – all things …considered – I’m in the lowest risk category and it is now technically impossible for me to be kicked in the nuts (pl.).

  5. mediocremum Avatar

    Thank you so much for sharing your story. I have a close friend who is in stage 4 at the moment who has a young child as well, this is why we are doing the walk…….will be thinking of you during the walk.

  6. streamliningprocesses Avatar

    My experience of cancer is mixed…positive outcomes and the other kind. My father was diagnosed when I was 9…although he had been ill for about 3 years prior to that. In three short months he went from being my dad to an incoherent, jaundiced shell…March 3 2010 will be the 100th anniversary of his birth, which I aim to celebrate as I had little opportunity to celebrate his life while he was alive.
    In November 2008, my mother in law Pam was rushed in for emergency surgery due to a blocked bowel – as we feared it was found to be cancerous, but touching wood the surgery and chemotherapy appear to have been successful, and she is currently in the pink.
    Sadly my wife’s sister’s mother in law is also now about to go through the trauma – she has kidney stones, but on investigation they have also found a tumour in one of her kidneys…

    Cancer may never be beaten, but I take my hat off to all those who strive in whatever way they can to defeat it….and that includes all you lovely ladies who are #twitsfortits. Respect!

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