Tired of deciding what to cook for dinner?

I am! This is where the inspiration came from.  I tend to do my shopping on a Monday and find myself trolling recipe books on Sunday night or Monday morning before I head to Morrison’s (yes, we slum it) and not being a natural in the kitchen doesn’t help.

It won’t generate recipes or create a shopping list for you but it will eliminate the need to make any decisions.  Hooray!  One less thing to worry about!

Start by deleting my list.  Then add all your regular meals, the main ingredient (pork, chicken, fish, etc) and then click the Random Meal Generator button and it will suggest 5 meals.  It took me all of 5 minutes to add my meals.  You may also want to add the odd sneaky take-away or possibly a new meal idea so it forces you to try something new.  Don’t forget to save it to your machine so you can add to it and make changes.

Don’t worry, if you’re not a meat eater, just add your own main ingredients (soya, quorn, falafel, quiche or risotto) and it still works.  No idea how, but it does!

Click on the image:

If you get a message about macros..you will need to go into tools>macros>security…choose medium and then enable macros.

I really can’t take credit for this…yes, I did come up with the idea but lovely James (@syzygy), who has a strange attraction to excel, did all the hard work for me.  If you find it useful please do drop him a quick tweet to say thanks!

I hope I saved you 5 minutes!

Author: mediocremum

A slightly older mum of one, who drinks far too much red wine and has an unhealthy obsession with her slow cooker. During the day she's an ICT Trainer, Social Media/Online Marketing consultant and does a bit of public speaking. Full Profile on Google+

14 thoughts on “Tired of deciding what to cook for dinner?”

  1. loving this new look by the way. Very nice! I downloaded this menu thingy and tried to play with it just leaving your menu in their but the random button didn't do anything. however when i opened it it did tell me something about my macros not being right or something (don't understand macros) so that could be why.nice idea though.

  2. I'm a total technophobe but will give this a bash – I hate trying to decide what to do for supper every night…

  3. oh my goodness, we know at least two of the same people, James (@syzygy) and @trevorcoulthart) how small a world is this!

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