I believe that a ‘little dirt never hurt’ and am a strong advocate of the ‘6 second rule’, if something hits the floor I will still give it to Madame, don’t worry I usually pick the cat hairs off first! I also believe that a lot of allergies today are a result of our hyper-sensitivity to germs.
In the last 2.5 years I’ve ferreted some interesting things out of her mouth; especially, when she went through the stage of exploring the world through her mouth.
To date I have extracted (I don’t have eyes in the back of my head):
- Loose change
- Sand
- Crayons
- Tea light (metal container and all)
- Broken Glass
- Pebbles
- Fag butts
- Beads
- Bottle tops
But the corker has to be…….
A mouse’s stomach, courtesy of our two lovely cats that eat everything and leave the stomach behind! Blech!
What’s the worst thing you’ve had to pry from the jaws of your little ones?
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