Tag: eating
How to avoid the dreaded Motorway Services
How to find a decent place to eat when on a road trip in the UK I have a deep hatred of UK Services on the motorways. Please don’t take this personally, but I vividly remember experiencing my first UK Motorway services about 14 years ago; after badly navigating the one way system almost exiting…
Would you eat your own placenta?
I personally wouldn’t and the mere thought of it makes me gag. Earlier in the week I was watching ‘How to be a good mother’ hosted by Sharon Horgan. Sharon, like many of us, was questioning her own parenting skills and went to visit 6 mothers who have very different approaches to parenting. Introducing the…
Clever so and so!
Do you ever wish that your child was slightly thick, just enough so you can pull the wool over their eyes? Madame has been showing flashes of genius lately, not Mensa level and it’s not consistent, but just enough to worry me. She definitely didn’t get this from her father. Madame was a brilliant eater…
Let’s Table it!
Photo Credit Tonight we ate around the kitchen table as a family for the first time in a very long time. Unfortunately, my husband works in the city and normally doesn’t get home till after 7 or 8 so it’s a little late to make Madame wait for her dinner. So, she often eats on…