Tag: first

  • Missing: Reward Offered

    I’m absolutely gutted, that I lost my umbrella the other night.  I managed to get into London and had it with me until the last 5 minutes.  I’m guessing I left it on the train when I got off at my stop, we may have been slightly distracted eating Kebabs and making paper hats. I…

  • The Healing Power of Sugar

    I was in a soft play centre last week, for my sins, sitting in the corner as I usually do playing on my phone, ear wigging and tutting at the other mum’s sharing stories about the colour of their children’s faeces, when a little girl came rushing up to her mum screaming with a split…

  • My First Post

    This is my first post. For more info about me you can check out my ‘About’ page.    There are a couple of reasons that I’ve decided to start blogging. The first is professional, I’m an ICT Consultant and Trainer and with the introduction of Web 2.0 (Social Networking, Wikis and Podcasting) into the UK…