Missing: Reward Offered

I’m absolutely gutted, that I lost my umbrella the other night.  I managed to get into London and had it with me until the last 5 minutes.  I’m guessing I left it on the train when I got off at my stop, we may have been slightly distracted eating Kebabs and making paper hats.

Making Paper Hats

I was travelling from London to St Albans on First Capital Connect.  I’ve filled in a lost property form but guessing there is very little chance that I will ever get it back. :-(

I could just rock up to lost property and claim any old umbrella as I imagine they have thousands of them.  However, this wasn’t just any old umbrella!  It was a Wine Bottle Umbrella from Katwalk Kimberly’s, pure genius!

Wine Bottle Umbrella from Katwalk Kimberly's

My fear is that someone has either kept it for themselves or they would not have realised it was an umbrella and it’s on its way to a bottle recycling depot somewhere!

Has anyone seen my umbrella?  If you find it there’s a bottle of wine in it for you!











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