Tag: mums

  • Working from home….can it work?

    I was over the moon when hubby started work again a few weeks ago.  The only downside is we’re both working from home, we have a tiny house and I’ve been doing it a long time so have a rhythm and not used to having someone under my feet.  Something has to give.  This is…

  • How old is too old?

    ‘My neighbour just had her first baby at 49’ my mate said last week.  My jaw hit the floor; initially I thought she must be insane and can’t imagine how exhausting that would be.  I was a slightly older mum and was classified as geriatric by the NHS being nearly 36.  A friend of mine…

  • Why is the Childcare My Responsibility?

    I’m self-employed so if I don’t go to work I don’t get paid!  Fortunately, this has only been an issue 2-3 times in the last couple of years since Madame was born.  We decided that I would only go back 3 days a week so I could be a bit more involved.  I have a…