Boys will be boys

A very good friend of mine’s son started Secondary School this year.  I met up with her last night and asked how he was getting on.  She said for the most part really well but there had been a couple of incidents.

Firstly, his bag had broken so he was using an old lap top bag which a few of the boys had been taking the Michael out of.  He now has a new bag and the boys all want to know where he got it from.  They don’t need to know it came from Argos.

Secondly, a few of them have started saying that he has a hedgehog on his head as he is prone to slightly mad hair.  When he reported this to his mum she said ‘give it a name’…..what??????  She explained that if you do this it takes the ammunition away from them and they won’t know what to do.

I thought this was bloody brilliant advice, non-confrontational and witty.  He now calls the Hedgehog Benjy and the boys are spending their time trying to convince him that there isn’t a hedgehog on his head!







4 responses to “Boys will be boys”

  1. julesey10 Avatar

    Brilliant! Mums always know best! Lol.x

    1. mediocremum Avatar

      I did think she was nuts at first but actually a genius!

  2. Nene Avatar

    Such good advice! Most kids in son's school very rich. They all ask where the stairs are to "the rest of the house". No such thing. Now wondering whether to invent secret staircase only for the initiated!

    1. Chrissie Avatar

      You could have so much fun with that…..secret passage way???

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