This week we have been having another go at potty training, but it didn’t start off well. I armed myself with loads of knickers, 1001 spray, mop, sticker chart, chocolate buttons and had a quick read of Gina Ford’s ‘Potty Training in One Week’. To start, we gave her a chocolate button for sitting on the potty. She’d sit on it for ages but……..nothing. I tried rubbing her back, singing her songs, tickling, pulling funny faces, reading her stories. I was just about to give up when…
I was upstairs getting ready on Friday (bear in mind we started on Mon) and she was playing in her room, with the potty nearby and without any prompting she plunked herself down on it and swish, which was followed by loads of praise and chocolate of course. We had a couple of similar successes after that and then last night, this is probably too much information, but we were watching TV and she took herself off to the loo. We didn’t realise what was going on until we heard her shouting ‘bye bye poo’. Blimey she’d climbed onto the big loo and used it all on her own.
Then the penny dropped, what she needed was PRIVACY! I think I’d turn into the Hoover Dam if someone was rubbing my back, singing stories to me, tickling etc while I was sitting on the pan! Doh!
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