Tag: training

  • Potette – Product Review

    When Trevor from www.hellobabydirect.co.uk first sent me the Potette to review I was a bit unsure as I thought we’d cracked potty training.  However, after our holiday to Bude and all the upheaval with elderly in-laws at the moment, we’ve gone a few steps backwards with potty training and have had quite a few accidents.…

  • Penny has Dropped (in the pot)

    This week we have been having another go at potty training, but it didn’t start off well.  I armed myself with loads of knickers, 1001 spray, mop, sticker chart, chocolate buttons and had a quick read of Gina Ford’s ‘Potty Training in One Week’.  To start, we gave her a chocolate button for sitting on…

  • Toilet Training Take Two

    As I have this week off I thought I’d have another go at potty training.  We tried a couple of months ago but didn’t have any luck.  I did loads of reading, completed online readiness tests and Madame showed most of the signs of being ready: She’s 2 and a half She can undress herself,…