Hope this helps!
Hope this helps!
Thanks For this!!! Looks great. Having problems with linking to facebook though (rather than a pretty picture, I get code). Also where do I find the codes for twitter etc?Thank you again!
Back again! Could it be, that wordspress only "lets" you do certain things in certain "themes" – should I pick a different theme and try again? If so, which theme features do I need to look out for? Also want to add a Paypal Buy It Now button. When I try that, I can see options and prices, but it won't link (and it won't display a "pretty" button) :-(
I've already sent you the link but any others who are trying to create badges for FB you will find on your FB profile page, on the bottom left, create a badge button. I've never done it myself so do let me know how you get on.
Sorry I have no experience with Paypal. But hopefully someone else does and can point you in the right direction.
Just choose one that is widget ready. ;-)
You may find some twitter badges here http://www.twitip.com/181-twitter-buttons-badge…
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