Adding a Badge to WordPress

Hope this helps!





6 responses to “Adding a Badge to WordPress”

  1. maggy, red ted art Avatar

    Thanks For this!!! Looks great. Having problems with linking to facebook though (rather than a pretty picture, I get code). Also where do I find the codes for twitter etc?Thank you again!

  2. maggy, red ted art Avatar

    Back again! Could it be, that wordspress only "lets" you do certain things in certain "themes" – should I pick a different theme and try again? If so, which theme features do I need to look out for? Also want to add a Paypal Buy It Now button. When I try that, I can see options and prices, but it won't link (and it won't display a "pretty" button) :-(

  3. mediocremum Avatar

    I've already sent you the link but any others who are trying to create badges for FB you will find on your FB profile page, on the bottom left, create a badge button. I've never done it myself so do let me know how you get on.

  4. mediocremum Avatar

    Sorry I have no experience with Paypal. But hopefully someone else does and can point you in the right direction.

  5. mediocremum Avatar

    Just choose one that is widget ready. ;-)

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