Face it, Fix it, or F*ck it!

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This is my 3 step approach to problem solving.  I tend to use it more in social situations but it works in the business environment as well.

This isn’t the best example of when I’ve used it but it’s the first that sprung to mind.

Exhibit A:

I was a bit concerned as I hadn’t spoken to or heard from a good friend in ages.  She’d been spending a lot of time with another friend, who I can only describe as a bit of a shit stirrer!  So, I took a deep breath and sent her a text (facing it) and to say the least I was a bit shocked when the phone rang and I received quite an ear bashing.  To this day, I still don’t know exactly what went wrong.

Anyhow, I contemplated, taking a couple of bottles of wine around her house like the girls on Desperate Housewives would and hash out the problem (fixing it) but in the end I decided to ‘F*ck it’.  I really don’t have time for stuff like this and I’m not in High School anymore.  I do see her around every once in a while, but too be honest I don’t miss her at all.

So, in summary, face your problems head on, even if you have to swallow your pride, if you can, fix it, but if you can’t or don’t want to bin it and move on!

What do you think?

Author: mediocremum

A slightly older mum of one, who drinks far too much red wine and has an unhealthy obsession with her slow cooker. During the day she's an ICT Trainer, Social Media/Online Marketing consultant and does a bit of public speaking. Full Profile on Google+

7 thoughts on “Face it, Fix it, or F*ck it!”

  1. Totally agree, I tend to do much the same, and people find themelves quite shocked (especially the yummy mummies at the school) that I really dont give a fig what they think.

    I am not in the 3rd Year anymore and really dont need the bitchiness and backstabbing. My philosophy tends to be, if you cant play nice , then fuck right off . If you want to discuss a problem that we have, then fine, come round for coffee and we can chat.

  2. Totally agree, I tend to do much the same, and people find themelves quite shocked (especially the yummy mummies at the school) that I really dont give a fig what they think.

    I am not in the 3rd Year anymore and really dont need the bitchiness and backstabbing. My philosophy tends to be, if you cant play nice , then fuck right off . If you want to discuss a problem that we have, then fine, come round for coffee and we can chat.

  3. Love the 3 step approach!

    I fell out with one of my best friends about a year ago. I was going through a really tough time and was in hospital for a week. She didn't get in touch. I tried to face it by telling her (by text) I was disappointed. I knew there would be a fall out but it went nuclear! In the end I said f*ck it.

    We didn't speak for months and we have only just met up. Still think I did the right thing. Problem is we're both godparents to each other's children, so do want to fix it. I wrote a post on it here. http://21stcenturymummy.com/2010/06/15/is-honesty

  4. I love it! I'm quite similar in most ways here too, I'll do my best to face/fix it but if it's more hassle than it's worth, then… quite rightly, fuck it! ;)

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