Easy way to get backlinks

Here is a cheeky little trick, to get more backlinks, I learned at #blogcamp from the ever so clever Lee Smallwood.

I’ve been using the Tweetmeme plugin for WordPress for ages.  However, I didn’t realise that every time I was using it I was inadvertently generating a backlink to my blog.


When you want to promote your blog on Twitter, simply click the green Retweet button within your post, edit the message and tweet.  As it contains your URL, you now have a backlink from the folks at Tweetmeme. It’s as easy as that!

Cheeky or clever???






Author: mediocremum

A slightly older mum of one, who drinks far too much red wine and has an unhealthy obsession with her slow cooker. During the day she's an ICT Trainer, Social Media/Online Marketing consultant and does a bit of public speaking. Full Profile on Google+

4 thoughts on “Easy way to get backlinks”

    1. hmmm seem to be followed now odd… As its a “free for all” then the value will be low in regards to backlinks

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