How many Mummy Bloggers can you fit in an electric car?

Not one, not 2, not 3 but a whopping…………

Pictured from top left: @mediocre_mum, @annieqpr, @beingmrsc, @zooarchaeologis, @MuddlingAlong, @gardenhelpers, @actuallymummy, @themummysphere,  @veggiexperience, @cbolam, @cocoonphoto and of course @daddacool (all 6 ‘5 of him)

It was a lot easier than we thought, Hannah (boss lady) had been working out logistics in a bar earlier in the week and with a push and a bit of lycra we could have got a few more in.  We had 3 in the back and 9 up front!

As you can see we had a right laugh doing it, but there was a reason we were doing it.  We’re trying to help our good mate and local blogger Alex, AKA Daddacool win an Electric Nissan Leaf Car. We think he deserves your vote.  Do you?  It only takes two clicks.  Click here to vote. Now off you go and thanking you in advance.

If you’re on twitter please use #nissanleafcar21 as this counts for extra votes.

And if you need more convincing check out his hilarious youtube video of the event.





5 responses to “How many Mummy Bloggers can you fit in an electric car?”

  1. Carolin Avatar

    Brilliant, I absolutely love this x

    1. mediocremum Avatar

      We had so much fun doing it!

  2. Letting Agents in St Albans Avatar

    Haha we saw this video and thought it was a great effort! Well done, I hope Daddacool wins! Would be lovely to see more electric cars in St Albans soon.
    At Let Me Properties letting agents we’re planning on getting one soon if we can get the figures to work out. I’ve always been interested in electric cars and it would be awesome to be part of the switch over! Keep up the great blog! :)

  3. TheBoyandMe Avatar

    Got to say that the woman in the driver’s seat has the easiest part of the whole thing! Cracking video

  4. Joko Avatar

    A slow cooker and crock pot are same thing and take long time to cook food, a prrssuee cooker is a pot that has a top with a steam valve on top of the cover and cooks your food alot faster than the crock. Pressure cooker goes on top of the stove.

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