What a difference a word makes…..

As many of you know I have recently turned 40 and I look a bit worse for wear. In an attempt, to stay looking younger, I’ve tried quite a few things from sticking 100s of tiny pins into my face to a mild chemical peal! However, I’m not willing to go under the knife…..yet!

A few months ago, prior to my first Radio Frequency treatment; which is a non-invasive treatment where a device is used to heat up the skin to 42 degrees to stimulate collagen growth, thus reducing wrinkles, I announced on Twitter that I was having Radio Therapy which is a whole different kettle of fish. I do apologise if I caused any alarm.

I haven’t done a ‘Cilla Black’ and they didn’t need to freeze my face first. It’s virtually painless. You get the odd ting when the frequency bounces off a bone, a rather odd sensation but not painful in the least and at times it may get a bit warm. The procedure takes about 45 minutes and I nearly fell asleep as I was so relaxed. Following the treatment, Carolina from the Anti-Ageing Clinic, who has the skin of a 30 year old but is my age (b*tch), put a cooling mask on my face. There was a rather technical name for it but in short it’s full of water.

Then she uses a red light, which again stimulates collagen growth. Apparently, you can buy one of these and use them at home but personally can’t see myself doing that as I’m lucky if I remember to take my make up off before hitting my silk pillow.

As I’ve said I’ve tried a few other things and honestly, this is the only one that I have instantly noticed a difference. I have had two treatments (£75 each) my crow’s feet and laugh lines are by no means gone, but are now a lot better.
Apparently, our next adventure is the Dermaroller Pen! I’ll let you know how we get on!

Disclosure: the treatments were compliments of the Anti-Ageing Clinic






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