Tag: children
Importance of Thank You Cards #giveaway
Why you should say ‘Thank you’ I’m a huge stickler for Thank You Cards. It doesn’t take a lot to say thank you when someone does something nice for you and to let them know that their efforts have not gone unnoticed. And quite frankly it’s just good manners! Who doesn’t like getting a…
How to talk to young kids about the internet?
I think it’s time I started talking about internet safety A few months ago I attended a round table event hosted by AVG, where we spoke about online safety and how confident parents felt about dealing with it. As a Technology Consultant in Education I do feel that I have a slight advantage to some…
How to Keep Younger Children Safer When Using Computers
Featured Post More than a third of all 3-4 year-olds are now accessing the internet in their homes. My daughter has been accessing computers since she was two, and swipe technology has made this possible. She whizzes around the iPhone and iPad better than her father does and can often be seen on my lap…
Things to do at Thorpe Park if you’re 5
‘Mummy, you know that place we went to on the weekend, I call it the best place ever!’ M age 5 Thorpe Park was originally marketed for 16- 24 year olds, so when I first invited myself along, I was a bit worried that there would not be enough for my 5 year old to…
Great Books for Kids!
Gotta love a book that inspires a bit of impromptu crafting! Tamara Small and the Monsters’s Ball by Giles Paley-Phillips, is a delightful story with amazing illustrations. Madame’s Monster! Disclosure: We received the book complimentary