Tag: internet

  • Technology is not making our kids stupid!

    Technology is not making our kids stupid!

    Myths About Teenagers and Tech that Parents should ignore On the weekend I read an article by Elizabeth Pearle, the Senior Editor of HuffPost  Teen called 5 Myths that Parents should ignore about Teens and Technology.  She challenges the myths that technology is making our kids thick, anti-social and causing them to have attention spans…

  • Have you googled your kids recently?

    How confident are you managing your kids internet use? I was recently invited to a round table discussion at AVG Technologies in Covent Garden to chat about online safety for kids.  AVG in partnership with Plymouth University recently carried out a study, ‘Parents, Schools and the Digital Divide‘ to look at how well parents understood…

  • Do as I say, not as I do!

    I work in education as an IT consultant so I’m all too aware of the importance of e-safety when it comes to kids and the internet. Personally, I’m at the adage that I’d rather teach them how to deal with uncomfortable content or experiences rather than closeting them to it. Basically, teaching them what to…

  • Reset Your Passwords

    There were rumours flying around last weekend that possibly a few of us had our usernames and passwords compromised.  Before I carry on, I would like to state clearly, that I DO NOT believe in a minute that this was the case.  However, it did make me question the security of my usernames and passwords. …

  • Drunk Driving on the Internet!

    I can’t believe it! There is a bill going through parliament that would make it illegal to use the internet while drunk, or to discuss sexual matters over a public network.  The MI5 is going to use the bill to tap the phone line of anyone who “uses or abuses alcohol” while accessing the internet……we’re…