Exporting Your Blog

Now that you have a domain name and some server space you can start importing your posts.  For the most part this was fairly straight forward.  This is assuming that you have already installed WordPress.org.  If not, click on the link for a couple of options for doing this.


Exporting the posts from wordpress.com was a walk in the park. But, I had issues with importing them. Everytime I tried importing it would fail part way through, the only solution was to import over and over again until they all came across. No word of a lie I had to do it over 20 times and I only had 55 posts! Apparently if you open the xml file you can delete the successful posts and run again, unfortunately I can’t read xml. I also tried to open it in notepad which was a bit better but still wasn’t confident enough to start deleting things.

Now the fun begins! The options for customizing are endless.

Other Posts in the Series

My Journey from WordPress,com to WordPress.org

Registering a Domain Name and Renting Server Space

Exporting Your Blog

Choosing a Theme

Customising Your Header

Redirecting Traffic (TBA)

Plugins (TBA)

Technorati (TBA)





4 responses to “Exporting Your Blog”

  1. princess_l Avatar

    Oh my lord that looks complicated!

  2. princess_l Avatar

    Oh my lord that looks complicated!

  3. mediocremum Avatar

    It wasn 't that bad…honest!

  4. mediocremum Avatar

    It wasn ‘t that bad…honest!

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