I look like sh*t but…….

This is what I looked like the year before my daughter was born.

This is me two years on……

I look like sh*t but I’m HAPPY!





23 responses to “I look like sh*t but…….”

  1. mediocremum Avatar

    Yes, it is a bit of a cheat….it is a wedding photo so I did scrub up a bit!

  2. Single Motherhood Ch Avatar
    Single Motherhood Ch

    You look gorgeous! The Mummy look makes us all look gorgeous and glowy in a mummy kind of way, even with pasty skin, I think its because we air a vibe of confidence, happiness and contendedness with our lives :D

  3. mediocremum Avatar

    I have to say it has really chilled me in many ways!

  4. hpretty Avatar

    i bet u look just fine! i doubt the photos are a fair comparison.i remember showing my wedding pictures to an (older) friend who said "you'll look back at these soon and be amazed you were so thin". i remember thinking "what a cheek!".But oh my god she was right! 2 children on, 1 stone heavier, but i'm too busy to care!http://marketingtomilk.wordpress.com

  5. mediocremum Avatar

    That is so true…I now look back of photos of me in my twenties (when I worried about my weight) and would now give my right arm to look like that again!

  6. notesfromlapland Avatar

    what a load of rubbish, you're gorgeous! and that shirt looks in a lot better knick thsan half the stuff I'm wearing right now. Happiness is what counts though, you are spot on there!

  7. mummyslittlemonkey Avatar

    Once upon a time I'd never have even imagined going outside without a full face of makeup. Now I scare the neighbours on the regular basis with my blotchy white face, dark-ringed eyes, and 'so light what's the point of even having them?' eyelashes.

  8. Kate_n_Liv Avatar

    Ah, you look gorgeous now love, can't believe you used to be peroxide blond! Anyway, is that a wedding photo on the “before” shot?
    P.S. Shirt is more ironed than my clothes ever are.

  9. PrincessL Avatar

    rubbish! you look gorgeous, aside from all those black lines you've got invading the photo!

  10. mediocremum Avatar

    Just don't have the time that it would take to fix this mess!

  11. mediocremum Avatar

    Why thank you but as a rule I do not iron!

  12. mediocremum Avatar

    They're hiding the rest of the lines! ;-)

  13. jumblyMummy Avatar

    I think a happy mummy is about as gorgeous as you can get. Personally I've found the reverse. I looked like a tramp beforehand but now I feel proud to be a mummy so tend to make at least a tiny bit of effort. Also (and this is the big thing really) I now have female friends which I most certainly didn't before my baby girl was born so when I go out, I have to compete with other gorgeous mums you see! The guys at work wouldn't give a **** whether I looked great or not, but competitive mums have expectations!

  14. mediocremum Avatar

    I normally don't get caught up in this kind of thing but I have found myself on a few occasions worrying about what I'm going to wear! Silly!

  15. notesfromlapland Avatar

    Good girl! Me either, it's against my religion…or something…

  16. tonypitts Avatar

    Anything but Mediocre, Mum. Lovely

  17. mediocremum Avatar

    Awe…thank you!

  18. Muddling Along Mummy Avatar

    With you on this one – look like rubbish but in general life is better

  19. Muddling Along Mummy Avatar

    With you on this one – look like rubbish but in general life is better

  20. Muddling Along Mummy Avatar

    With you on this one – look like rubbish but in general life is better

  21. littlebugsboutique Avatar

    Just read ‘I LOOK LIKE SH*T BUT I am happy’ sitting here in a dressing gown my Mum gave me (very dodgy) my hair that has been cut to short, all sticking up, a sty on my eye, I can so relate! you have cheered me up this morning! Justine

  22. littlebugsboutique Avatar

    thanks you have cheered me up today, Mediocre Mum just normal I think! x

  23. Simon Mason Avatar

    Maybe you shouldn’t blame your complexion,features,lank hair and general ordinariness on your innocent daughter and realise you aren’t bothered enough to make yourself at least presentable. Shape up or ship out.

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