I’m Going to Burn in Hell!

I always thought I was a genuinely nice person but I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m truly evil.  This week I’ve found myself laughing when I really shouldn’t.

1)  The lovely @sarahchocolate was trying to erect a flat pack book shelf from IKEA.  I suggested she move it upstairs in pieces so that she could assemble it in situ.  Apparently, they have a black hole in their house and she dared not to.  Last I heard she had put the shelves in back to front and had resorted to wine!  Bless!  *snort*

2.) I was sent this video to cheer me up by @mummyofseven…I have to admit that I nearly wet myself watching it.  Apparently, it’s okay to laugh as he filmed it himself but to be honest I can’t imagine living with such a condition.  Please tell me that you laughed! :-s

3.) Lastly, my poor husband was hit with a tummy bug this week.  He spent the last 48 hours in the loo, I was tempted to offer to install SKY…all I could hear upstairs was running and slamming of doors.  Not very sympathetic I know, however I did drive to Urgent Care at 3.30 am for him.  I’m not sure why I found Braille on a pack of Imodium so funny!

Shall I book you a seat next to me in hell?

Photo Credit

Author: mediocremum

A slightly older mum of one, who drinks far too much red wine and has an unhealthy obsession with her slow cooker. During the day she's an ICT Trainer, Social Media/Online Marketing consultant and does a bit of public speaking. Full Profile on Google+

9 thoughts on “I’m Going to Burn in Hell!”

  1. OMG I was half laughing and crying at that video. Is he for real? He remnds me of that guy Pete from Big Brother UK no 8 or 9 or 10,000,0000.

    Lol you are funny. At least you’ll always be warm in Hell ;-) Do you think you’d get a tan too? Ok too far lol Take Care hun, KC xx

    http://www.katecollings.blogspot.com – Always welcoming new followers, guests and comments xx

  2. I seriously almost fell out of my seat laughing. I deal with ocd, not too far removed from that gentleman’s condition. It made me feel better watching it:) Thank you so much for posting that!

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