Monkey Preschool Lunchbox

Available from itunes for 59p
I have to say that I really like this app, if you can ignore the annoying American accent.  I’d seen it recommended on a few websites and now that we’ve had a play with it I’m surprised the Sunday Times didn’t feature it in it’s Top 500 apps.  It’s perfect for Madame who is 3.5.  It has a combination of matching, sorting, colours, number and letter recognition and problem solving! So overall here is what we thought: [xrrgroup][xrr label=”Educational Content:” rating=”5/5″ group=”s1″ ] [xrr label=”Fun:” rating=”5/5″ group=”s1″] [xrr label=”Ease of Use:” rating=”5/5″ group=”s1″] [xrr label=”Age Appropriateness:” rating=”5/5″ group=”s1″] [xrr label=”Value for Money:” rating=”5/5″ group=”s1″] [xrr label=”Overall:” overall=true group=”s1″ ][/xrrgroup]





6 responses to “Monkey Preschool Lunchbox”

  1.  Avatar

    You can tell I’m growing older as I was expecting to see what you packed for Madames lunch ;-) Thinking I may have to invest/upgrade to the iPhone soon what with all these cool Apps coming out. Hope you had a fab weekend? Take care xx

  2. mymumdom Avatar

    My 3 year old would recommend this too if he could speak. It’s his second favourite, the first being his beloved Tilt and Go Thomas!

    1. mediocremum Avatar

      Going to check out Tilt. Thanks for the tip.

  3. geekmummy Avatar

    This is one of the geekdaughter’s favourites, and has had more staying power with her than a lot of other games. It’s also one of those nice “optimised for iPad” apps, so buy it now for your iPhone, and then when you get your iPad you don’t have to buy it again.

    Definite minus points for the irritating American narration, plus it’s one of those games that seems to turn the voume up when you start it so it come across as louder than anything else.

    1. mediocremum Avatar

      Sure you already have some but I bought Madame headphones so she doesn’t annoy everyone in the pub.

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