How to play cards with kids

I come from a long line of card players.  Some of my first memories of my Grandfather was playing cards.  He was a dreadful cheat. This is how he used to babysit us.  I learned how to play cribbage from a very early age and so did many of my 22 cousins!

We’ve recently started introduce our 5 year old to a variety of card games.  Snap, Go Fish, Memory and Old Maid.  Have you ever tried playing cards with a 5 year old especially when it requires them to hold a mittful of cards?  She is forever dropping them all over the floor and becomes increasingly frustrated.  Bless!

But then I discovered, thanks to the net, this handy little trick.  It’s pure genius.

How to Play Cards with Kids

It’s so simple.  Just using a clothes peg, then they can hold the peg.  Problem solved!

Do you have any other tips when playing games with kids?  Please do leave them in the comments.

If you’d like to learn how to play Go Fish here are the rules.

Author: mediocremum

A slightly older mum of one, who drinks far too much red wine and has an unhealthy obsession with her slow cooker. During the day she's an ICT Trainer, Social Media/Online Marketing consultant and does a bit of public speaking. Full Profile on Google+

4 thoughts on “How to play cards with kids”

  1. What a simple idea but like you say very effective!! We are a family of card players as my nan used to teach us to play for matchsticks LOL

    My boys are teens now and are mean poker players *cough* and LOVE texas hold’em with chips etc!

    But when they were little we used to give them a lid off a boardgame so they could lay their cards out without anyone looking :)

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