Slow Cooker Sunday – 6th May 2012

You may not be aware but Slow Cookers are making a huge comeback, soon they’ll be as trendy as knitting. Did I see a Gwenyth Paltrow uses one?

They’re no longer used for just Stews and Casseroles. Many of us are getting more and more adventurous with our slow cooking and on a Sunday we come together to share and be inspired. I’ve been truly astounded by the quality.

For those of you with blogs, simply link up old or new recipes at the bottom of the post. If you don’t have a blog you can always leave your recipe in the comments section.

I can’t wait to see what you’ve all been up to. If you do try some of the recipes do come back and let us know how it went.

Feel free to grab a badge but you don’t have to.

Thanking you in advance and I hope you find it as useful as I do.







7 responses to “Slow Cooker Sunday – 6th May 2012”

  1. Bubblegumbodw Avatar

    This is a Slimming World beef casserole recipe that I chuck in the slow cooker. It serves 4.

    380g steak, all visible fat removed
    2 garlic cloves
    2 onions, 2 turnips, 3 carrots and 2 courgettes
    Fry Light
    A sprig of rosemary
    1 tbsp beef stock made with Bovril
    2 x 400g cans chopped tomatoes
    2-3 tbsp artificial sweetener
    Salt and freshly ground black pepper
    4 tbsp freshly chopped parsley

    The method
    Prepare the ingredients: cut the steak into bite-sized pieces; peel and crush the garlic; peel and chop the onions; turnips and carrots; slice the courgettes.

    2. Heat a large pan sprayed with Fry Light. Add the steak and fry for 5-6 minutes until lightly browned.

    3. Put browned meat into slowcooker and add the garlic, onions, turnips, carrots, rosemary, stock, chopped tomatoes and artificial sweetener and stir well.

    4. Cook for about 4 hours on low.

    5. Add the courgettes about 10 mins from the end of cooking time, (or if you don’t mind them disintigrating, add them with everything else), and cook for a further 8-10 minutes or until just tender. Season well and serve garnished with freshly chopped parsley.

    When cooked this dish can be frozen for up to 1 month.

  2. […] also linking this up to Mediocre Mums’ Slow Cooker Sunday – to cook in a slow cooker, add all the ingredients and set to low for 3-4 […]

  3. […] Linking this up to Mediocre Mum's Slow Cooker Sunday […]

  4. Sarah Avatar

    I love love love my slow cooker. I work shifts and my husband doesn’t eat if I don’t cook so it’s great for us. I fancy trying this recipe sounds nice and easy with a good selection of veggies. Just a tip, put your veggies at the bottom of you slow cooker and your meat on top otherwise the veggies can still be hard whilst your meat is perfect.

  5. Sharon @ Funken Wagnel Avatar

    A casserole that is slimming sounds brilliant!

  6. Actually Mummy... Avatar

    I am obsessed with slow cooking now! I do find it hard to fry onions and brown meat at breakfast time, but the flavours are immense by evening. I made a really simple veg curry this week, and couldn’t work out where the zing had come from when we ate it. Tasted like there was loads of lime in it, but without the sharpness. No lime at all, just amazing flavour. I’m hooked!

  7. […] has long been devouring the slow cooker creations posted on Mediocre Mum’s blog, and this week her brand new slow cooker arrived. It […]

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