Win £100 worth of NEAT Storage Kit

Smart Storage Solutions


Storage really is a premium in our house as it is fairly small and we don’t have any built in wardrobes or storage spaces.  I really do have to keep on top of clutter or it quickly gets out of hand and if you’re a parent you will realise what a challenge this is.

I’ve shared a few Clever Storage Ideas for Small Houses in the past, but I’ve done a few more things recently that I thought I would share.

I love my Scarves!

Ideas for Storing Scarves

We’ve got a lot of wasted wall space, sadly I don’t have the budget to get customized shelves and cupboards.  For years all of my scarves hung on our door, making it impossible to close it.  I had 3 stylish hooks put up, now I can easily find my scarves, my necklaces are no longer in a big knot and we can close the door.

The man drawer

How to Keep Man Drawer Tidy!

Admit it!  We all have one of these in our houses, which contains everything from take-away menus to remote controls that you no longer have the  device for.  I purchased a few cheap plastic baskets, and can now locate the Phillips Screwdriver when I need it.

How to tidy cupboards

We also have a cupboard which has everything from Craft materials to medicine, which is really not something you want to mix up.  Again a few plastic baskets has done the trick.  I can quickly access the Calpol or poster paint when I need it.

Clever storage baskets and boxes really are the way forward.  My next mission is to sort out all the shoes in the bottom of my wardrobe, make sense of my knicker drawer and put my winter clothes away in the loft.

NEAT Storage Solutions

Win a Full NEAT Storage Kit

To celebrate the launch of NEAT with Anthea Turner, we are giving away a full storage kit from the NEAT range.

Launching on 2nd July and available to buy exclusively from Britain’s largest home-grown TV shopping network Ideal World TV and online at, NEAT combines style and functionality to give customers a range of products that not only look great but are also full to the brim with smart features to make life easier. The collection includes wardrobe and drawer storage solutions, hangers, zip boxes and baskets, with each product cleverly creating a smart storage solution.

Win NEAT Storage Kit

Whether seeking a solution for the mountain of shoes in your bedroom – our clear zip boxes are the answer! Or storing away your winter clothes, NEAT offers a solution for all your storage dilemmas.

Anthea Turner will be appearing on Ideal World TV on 2nd and 3rd of July at 8pm to showcase the products.

To enter simply use the Rafflecopter form below.  The full Terms and Conditions are at the bottom of the form but in short it’s open to UK residents only Aged 18+.

Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

This competition is listed on Loquax, Prize Finder and Competition Hunter.

Author: mediocremum

A slightly older mum of one, who drinks far too much red wine and has an unhealthy obsession with her slow cooker. During the day she's an ICT Trainer, Social Media/Online Marketing consultant and does a bit of public speaking. Full Profile on Google+

217 thoughts on “Win £100 worth of NEAT Storage Kit”

  1. The kitchen! I have all these little gadgets that are stuffed in mugs and eggcups so I don’t lose them in the drawer!

  2. The space under our stairs is a bit of a tip and could do with some serious organisation. Same with our baby’s toys – how can such a small person have so much stuff?! Great giveaway x

  3. Winter clothing and boots. I try to keep them packed away neatly but I can’t seem to get them under control and I’m always finding more.

  4. I need some extra storage space for storing Winter clothes during the Summer and vice versa! Thank you x

  5. The kitchen is crying out for more storage room because I keep buying new appliances and gadgets without a thought for where they will be stored.

  6. our spare room above the stairs is a dumping ground at the moment so we could do with some sorting out in there

  7. hi my small bedroom is so small with nowhere left to store anything large or small and if i do manage to find a place to store something i never manage to find it again x

  8. I live in a flat with no built in cupboards o I’m always in need of storage. The bathroom is very small so I would like some somewhere to put the towels and toiletries.

  9. The spare room is a disaster area at the moment – it’s where everyone puts anything they can’t think of a better place for. It really needs a thorough sorting out.

  10. The cupboard under the stairs – I’m actually scared to open the door as everything just falls out!

  11. The cupboard under the stairs – I’m convinced one of my grandchildren could go in there and never been seen again (mind you it might be peaceful)

  12. Our bedrooom, if i shove anything else in my wardrobe or under the bed, we will be sleeping with our face shoved right up to the ceiling!

  13. The cloakroom…I seem to have developed a big shoe collection all of a sudden so keeping it all neat in there with my bags, hoover, steam cleaner, gym gear, etc. is tricky.

  14. My front room – I seem to have piles of stuff in corners, & though I don’t mind, it does look kinda messy!

  15. We have a cupboard in the hall, you know one of those cupboards where everything gets stored and forgotten. It would be really nice to see what’s in there!

  16. My bedroom because if someone came in and saw the clutter they’d think a big clutter monster, had moved in and taken over the house.

  17. Our spare room because it always becomes a dumping ground for things that don’t have a proper home yet!

  18. Randomly, Im desperate for storgae solutions in my downstairs loo. Its huge and an ideal place to store household items such as cleaning products and towels.

  19. My wardrobe is terrible. I’ve always been a ‘shove it away so it looks tidy until you open the cupboards’ type which drives my husband mad because when he opens a cupboard, everything falls out! These would really help me get organised.

  20. I’m in desperate need of a bathroom re-organization! Far too many lotions and potions!

  21. Inside the front door! No matter how neat the rest of the house first impressions really do count!

  22. We have just moved house and have a large utility room – it really needs some storage solutions to make it user friendly!

  23. We’ve got a new baby and had no idea just how much stuff he needs, so living room baby stuff storage is desperately needed

  24. the spare bedroom, it seems to gather lots of things that don’t belong anywhere and they end up in an ever-growing pile, would love to get it organised !

  25. My 3 dogs have about 120 coats, t shirts, jumpers and romper suits between them, I need storage

  26. my baking cupboard needs sorting as I’ve got little bottles of flavouring and food colouring everywhere

  27. coat cupboard where boiler located its a right mess! shoes, coats toys bag, my boyfriends motorbike stuff it drives me bugcack!!

  28. the whole of our bedroom, we moved in, in August and everything that didn’t have a home is now in our bedroom lol xx

  29. the kids room, its a big room so lots of floor space to fill with toys and whatever else they decide they want to fling about lol

  30. The spare bedroom, it’s somehow become a dumping ground for both home and work stuff. I have to fight my way round boxes and bags to get to the wardrobe that holds my extra clothes.

  31. We’re just about to exchange on our first house, so I would love to get the storage right before we start filling up every nook cranny!

  32. Under my bed. I have a habit of pushing everything under there and pretending I’ve cleaned!

  33. My bathroom is in need of storage as there are no cupboards in there and the windowsill is crammed with items and the towels currently have to hide in my wardrobe in my bedroom.

  34. the dining room. it’s just a big mountain of toys that gets ‘tidied’ away at the end of the day. there is no order to it at all.

  35. We are renting at the moment and have to have a lot of stuff stored in boxes which are cluttering up the spare bedroom!

  36. My bedroom, if it’s not got a game that’s where everyone dumps/stores everything, not very relaxing for Mum

  37. I used to have a dining room, now it’s just a junk room, and yet it’s not junk, we might need it some day. Need some sort of proper storage, even if it’s just a big cupboad in the dining room.

  38. Every single room needs storage, between my messy 4 year old and the messy 41 year old my house looks like the store room of a toy shop!

  39. My office is a state – since my other half started teaching and I started to study again we have filled it to the brim with paperwork and books

  40. Got a new kitchen getting installed on 21/7/13 and I am determined my new cupboard will be more organised than the old ones!!!

  41. My home office has papers all over the place. This will be the 1st room I will re organise with better storage

  42. Bathroom as it is tiny and I have too much stuff. And kitchen as well – it will motivate me to cokk more if I store everything I need in gandy way.

  43. Both mine and my daughters room are desperate for more storage…more stuff than I know what to do with!!

  44. my bedroom. i’ve just had a new baby and most of the bits and bobs that were in the spare room have moved into my room to make way for little one

  45. My craft room, with proper storage i could easily find the bits i look for!
    . *♡* GOOD LUCK EVERYONE *♡*

  46. OMG my bedroom, piles of make-up , heaps of shoes and other odds and ends all over the place.

  47. with a family of 6 you always need extra storage i really need some for our bedroom so it looks likea place i would want to relax in :)

  48. The bedroom, to be more exact my treadmill is my dumping ground for everything lol so could do with places to store everything and then maybe stand a chance of losing weight and getting fit :P

  49. My kitchen. So much stuff on the worktops that really needs to be put away somewhere, so it’s really hard to keep clean.

  50. my daughters bedroom is an absolute tip! she is 20 lol , make up , hair brushes and hairdryers, straighteners, presume, shoes! I wouldn’t know where to begin!

  51. Our spare bedroom gets so cluttered with bits and pieces and it would be lovely to have somewhere to store it all!

  52. The Bedroom the Grandchildren use….. puzzles, small cars, Lego, games …. and all my craft, sewing and knitting bits…… would be great room, if all organized….

  53. My front room and living room – I need bookshelves for all my books and all other accumulating clutter

  54. The shelves above my wardrobe. everything is jammed in, I can’t find anything and can’t bring myself to even attempt sorting it out until I can get some organisation for it all! :(

  55. We’re moving into a teeny tiny flat in London on Friday so we’re in desperate need of some lovely storage like this!

  56. I have a really small kitchen with not much cupboard space. Anything I could use would be a great help

  57. My bedroom – its always the last on my list – and there nearly always is something that is more urgent to deal with.

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