Category: Competitions
Win a £40 Bouquet of Flowers from Debenhams
Gynaecological Cancer Awareness Month Sept 2015 was Gynaecological Cancer Awareness Month and there was some excellent campaigns running. If you have an Instagram account you may have come across the hashtag #ladygardencampaign, which was a partnership between Top Shop and the Gynaecological Cancer Fund, a new charity with monies going to support research at the Royal…
Win a Trip of a Lifetime by Geocaching #mwgeotrail
I’m all up for an opportunity to win a FREE trip courtesy of Mountain Warehouse. I love travelling and my daughter is turning into quite the intrepid traveller. I have no idea where we would go if we won. Anyhow, the task was simple really and involved one of our favourite activities Geocaching. We had…
Card Games for the whole family – Giveaway
Dobble is Brilliant! As a family we really should play games more often. We have a sideboard full of games from Kerplunk to Kerfuffle plus a few traditional ones like The Game of Life. We do play cards on occasion and daughter a dab hand at Snap, Go Fish and War. However, I had never…
Win £200 Worth of Sainsbury’s Vouchers
Childhood Obesity is on the Rise in the UK This will come as no surprise to anyone as we have seen the features on the news. Genetics, unhealthy diets and lack of exercise are always at the heart of this discussion. I was in a school awhile back to deliver a training session, which had…
Print Your Photos
Polaroid Style Prints I have nearly 1600 photos on my camera roll and have posted over 800 on Instagram. Like most of us, I never get around to printing photos on my phone, until I came across Printic. It’s an incredibly easy app to use allowing you to free your photos from your phone. Simply…