It Takes Two to Tango

About ten years ago a friend of mine said to me that every time she wanted her partner of 20+ years to do something, she always had to let him ‘think’ it was his idea.  I used to think life was too short for such games and manipulation, but after being married for nearly 4 years I realise what a wise woman she was.

I don’t know what it is but every time I suggest something to hubby (purchases, DIY, Holidays, Finances, Take-away, etc) he always has the knee jerk reaction and always poo-poos my ideas no matter what it is.  So, I’m slowly working out how to get what I want.  So, now instead of saying ‘I would like to paint the kitchen’, I say ‘what do you think about painting the kitchen’.

Last summer I wanted to buy Madame a Wendy House, so I ordered him without telling him.  Unfortunately, the stupid company emailed him the confirmation.  He went bonkers so I had to cancel the order.  So, I had to stop and rethink my strategy and I’m happy to report that she did receive her Wendy house and he spent Christmas Eve putting it together in the dark! :-)

It’s going to take me a bit to become proficient at it but I’m getting better at planting little seeds and letting him run with it.  I don’t need my ego stroked and honestly, I quite enjoy being secretly smug!    I bet you a fiver he takes credit for Madame’s Birthday Present.  Bless him!

Photo Credit

Author: mediocremum

A slightly older mum of one, who drinks far too much red wine and has an unhealthy obsession with her slow cooker. During the day she's an ICT Trainer, Social Media/Online Marketing consultant and does a bit of public speaking. Full Profile on Google+

7 thoughts on “It Takes Two to Tango”

  1. Hubby usually finds out what I've ordered when the parcel arrives and I say, "Oh, right, I knew I meant to tell you summat!" He rarely complains. Don't get me wrong, he's not perfect, he just found out very early on in our relationship that arguing with me is futile.

  2. I usually get my own way..but always have to go through the … 'what do you wnat that for?' 'how much is that going to cost me?' 'you're bloody mad' … first

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