Introducing Slow Cooker Sunday! You in?

I know this doesn’t ooze with originality, but as you know I have a ‘thing’ for my slow cooker, I know many of you do to, I use mine at least 3 times a week, last week I used it 5 times!  There seems to be a ‘quiet’ revolution going on.

There is nothing wrong with cooking a stew in the slow cooker, but I’m determined to show people that slow cooking is more than stews and casseroles.  I’ve cooked everything from Thai Curry to Italian Lamb Ambruzzi to a Pork Stirfry .  For a laugh, I once tried to cook pancakes, which wasn’t one of my better ideas!  I’ve even seen someone do a pizza in one????

I spend hours on the net looking for new recipes, but I’d rather try things that are tried and tested.  This is where you come in.

Each Sunday I will post one of my own recipes, most likely bastardized from someone else’s recipe, but I will disclose this.  At the bottom of it there will be a ‘Linky’ where you can share one of your own recipes.  It can be old or new, it doesn’t have to be a full recipe, possibly just a photo of one of your creations, or you could just share one of your favourite slow cooker websites.

Fingers crossed, it will be all fairly simple, but please be patient as this is our first week. Simply, add a short description of the recipe, a link to your blog/url and of course a photo.  If you get stuck or lose the will to live, shout!  I’m always happy to help.

In time, if all goes well, I hope to have themed weeks.  I’m sure I’m not alone but I’m desperate for a few summer ideas!

I do hope you join in and are excited about it as I am.

If you’re on twitter we will be using the hashtag #scsunday

I look forward to seeing you on Sunday!





Author: mediocremum

A slightly older mum of one, who drinks far too much red wine and has an unhealthy obsession with her slow cooker. During the day she's an ICT Trainer, Social Media/Online Marketing consultant and does a bit of public speaking. Full Profile on Google+

15 thoughts on “Introducing Slow Cooker Sunday! You in?”

    1. Look forward to seeing some of your recipes. Can’t help thinking a Slow Cooker may help with a newborn in the house. Don’t worry I’m aware he won’t be partaking in the meals! ;-)

  1. I’ve been trying doing my own linkys with not much success.No idea why I hadn’t thought of doing one on slow cooking? Anyway, count me in.I have lots I can share and I have bastarised mine and created some of my own.

    1. Me too! However, using a slow cooker in the summer won’t cause as much heat…but not really a problem here in the UK! ;-)

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