Win two Halloween Outfits from the Nutmeg Collection and a £10 Voucher

Here Comes Halloween!

Like most other kids, my 6 year old has always loved getting dressed up.  She will wear fancy dress to parties that aren’t even fancy dress.  I distinctly remember last year her turning up to a party in fancy dress, on more than one occasion, and the other parents couldn’t help but laugh and knew exactly who it was right away.  I do love the confidence and not in a rush for her to grow out of it.

Last Christmas she asked for a Donkey Fancy dress outfit and I obliged, this is after I worked her down from getting a real donkey.  For Halloween last year she went as a rather scary werewolf and managed to frighten the life out of a friend of mine and two dogs went for her until she took the mask off!  Last week when I went to the shops her dad and her got into the Halloween costumes in the loft, hence the Cruella De Vil outfit.

Fancy Dress for Kids

I’m not sure what she wants to go as for Halloween but I did hear the Grim Reaper muted.  Not sure how appropriate that is and whether they have one in a 6.  At least, she isn’t into going as a Disney Princess as Halloween, to me, is about all thinks spooky!

Win an adorable Halloween Outfit from the Nutmeg Collection

To celebrate Halloween Morrison’s is offering my readers a chance to win two items of their choice from their Nutmeg Halloween collection along with a £10 Voucher.  Here are a few examples of the range. Aren’t the clothes adorable?

Halloween Outfits from Morrisons

Simply enter using the Rafflecopter form below.  The full Terms and Conditions are at the bottom of the form but in short it’s open to UK residents 18 years of age and older and closes on the 24th Oct 2013.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck and Happy Halloween

This competition is listed on Loquax, Prize Finder and Competition Hunter.






130 responses to “Win two Halloween Outfits from the Nutmeg Collection and a £10 Voucher”

  1. Lian McCulloch Avatar
    Lian McCulloch

    I went as a pirate to a friends party and my husband was my partner pirate – ph er me hartys :-)

  2. Catherine McAlinden Avatar
    Catherine McAlinden

    I dressed up as a witch last Halloween!

  3. kelly Avatar

    A wicked witch for halloween last year :)

  4. KATHARINE B Avatar

    A Fairy for a birthday party

  5. […] This competition is listed on Loquax, Prize Finder and Competition Hunter […]

  6. katie wilson Avatar
    katie wilson

    My little girl is 4 and really taking an interest in halloween this year, looking forward to giving out sweets at the door, hope someone knocks!

  7. Spencer Broadley Avatar
    Spencer Broadley

    As a schoolgirl in fishnets etc !!! for a friend’s summer bbq
    PS Im a man !!!!

  8. Rishona Taylor Avatar

    I was a witch for a halloween party about 8 years ago! lol not dressed up since!

  9. Tracey Avatar

    I wet as a hula girl to a Hawaiian themed 50th birthday party.

  10. amanda davis Avatar
    amanda davis

    witch to take the kids trick or treating

  11. Victoria Avatar

    vampiress for Halloween party last year

  12. Tracy Nixon Avatar
    Tracy Nixon

    Last Halloween I dressed up as a witch to go trick or treating with my kids!!!

  13. Carla Mills Avatar
    Carla Mills

    Winnie the witch, for Halloween last year. Xx

  14. Eleanor Powell Avatar
    Eleanor Powell

    I was the spider queen and I answered my door to trick or treaters!

  15. Judy Park Avatar
    Judy Park

    I was Bride of Frankenstein at a family Halloween party

  16. iain maciver Avatar
    iain maciver

    freddy kruger , last years Halloween party

  17. elaine stokes Avatar
    elaine stokes

    i was the invisible man, at last years Halloween party at our local pub

  18. Kelly Ellen Hirst Avatar
    Kelly Ellen Hirst

    A devil… For a family Halloween meal last year

    Kel x


    dark angel halloween party

  20. Keith Avatar

    Elvis as im a big fan

  21. Rachel Craig Avatar
    Rachel Craig

    As a cowboy, to a fancy dress party evening. A works night out :- some years ago.

  22. Pamela Chang Avatar
    Pamela Chang

    It was for a New Year Eve partyand the these was film goodies and baddies and I went as Chun Li from Streetfighter! was a FAB night!

  23. aj Avatar

    Army was the last for a girls day in Blackpool

  24. Jessica Avatar

    My little man is 3 and really showing an interest in Halloween this year he has enjoyed helping to make our pumpkin, he loves dressing up.

  25. jodie harvey Avatar
    jodie harvey

    mrs clause last christmas :)

  26. JULIE B Avatar

    A cowboy/cowgirl for a cowboy and Indians themed BBQ this summer

  27. Muddling Along Avatar

    Last year I went as a witch… so boring

  28. olivia kirby Avatar
    olivia kirby

    Batgirl for my niece’s birthday

  29. vicki hennie Avatar
    vicki hennie

    fancy dress party as a sailor

  30. Jo Booth Avatar
    Jo Booth

    I just had fake blood and wore black. It must not have been very good because when I turned around a friend asked ‘oh no, what have you done to your face’ !

  31. claire matthews-curtis Avatar
    claire matthews-curtis

    I dressed up as Mr Potato Head for book day at my children’s school

  32. Felicity Smith Avatar
    Felicity Smith

    A penguin last halloween

  33. Paula Barker Avatar
    Paula Barker

    Winnie the witch, for a Halloween party

  34. claire griffiths Avatar
    claire griffiths

    i went as a vampire last halloween to a party

  35. adrian knox Avatar
    adrian knox

    Halloween party as a warewolf

  36. Jean Vaughan Avatar
    Jean Vaughan

    I dressed as a Saint Trinian’s school prefect for a school reunion- I had been the teacher!!

  37. alison johnson Avatar
    alison johnson

    I went as a monster – green face paint and all – last halloween

  38. Annette Unsworth Avatar
    Annette Unsworth

    Bride of Frankenstein was my last halloween costume

  39. donna jones Avatar
    donna jones

    witch last year for hallowean

  40. Pam Gregory Avatar
    Pam Gregory

    I was a ghost at a school Halloween party

  41. Angela Williams Avatar
    Angela Williams

    a witch to a halloween party many years ago

  42. clair downham Avatar
    clair downham

    a witch as i went trick and treating with my kids last year

  43. Lucy Mayer Avatar
    Lucy Mayer

    I went to my nephew’s moshi birthday party as Dr Strangeglove… :D

  44. Kirsty Greer Avatar
    Kirsty Greer

    I was a school girl at a school disco party x

  45. Emma Howard Avatar

    Many years ago I went dressed as a schoolgirl to a fancy dress party!

  46. Sabi Kapur Avatar
    Sabi Kapur

    I went as a witch

  47. Debra Winfield Avatar
    Debra Winfield

    I went to my friends sons 3rd birthday party as a pirate, I was heavily pregnant and had to raid my husbands wardrobe, it was a great day!

  48. katrina day-reilly Avatar
    katrina day-reilly

    A witch to a party

  49. Susan Hoggett Avatar
    Susan Hoggett

    a pirate,fancy dress on a cruise

  50. Laura Vitty Avatar
    Laura Vitty

    I went as wonderwoman to a superhero themed birthday party!

  51. Karen (@Swimstar2000) Avatar
    Karen (@Swimstar2000)

    I dressed up as a school girl for a friend’s 30th

  52. Julie Ward Avatar
    Julie Ward

    Scarecrow on halloween

  53. Joanne Welsh Avatar
    Joanne Welsh

    Elvis for Halloween a couple years ago

  54. Sue Bowden Avatar
    Sue Bowden

    A Witch at a childrens Halloween Party.

  55. kim neville Avatar
    kim neville

    I dressed up as a witch last halloween to go trick or treating with the kids

  56. abi rolfe Avatar
    abi rolfe

    i was a vampire zombie for halloween!

  57. JOSIE RYAN Avatar


  58. Haylay Armstrong Avatar
    Haylay Armstrong

    I went out spookin all the children in my area with my little boy in a cat women outfit , I ended up getting wolf whistles from little lads which was not very nice for my 6 year old son . Cat women is not allowed out on our streets any more . So back to being a witch it is ! :-) easy and scares more I think

  59. Anna Avatar

    a witch! @anna8301

  60. Alison Johnson Avatar
    Alison Johnson

    A wicth last Halloween

  61. Katarzyna Szewczyk Avatar
    Katarzyna Szewczyk

    A witch for Halloween last Year.

  62. shelagh milne Avatar
    shelagh milne

    I think it was a witch

  63. Lisa Smith Avatar
    Lisa Smith

    A Honey Bee for my birthday 2 years ago :)

  64. chantelle hazeldem Avatar
    chantelle hazeldem

    mrs santa at home on christmas day last year x

  65. michelle pierce Avatar
    michelle pierce

    minnie mouse at a school disco many years ago

  66. kirsty slow Avatar
    kirsty slow

    Mrs Clause at xmas x

  67. Joanne Benham Avatar
    Joanne Benham

    I last went in fancy dress to a works party, I was Wonder Woman and my hubby went as Zorro x

  68. Phyllis Ellett Avatar
    Phyllis Ellett

    Last Halloween I went trick or treating with the little ones as Miss Battle-Axe

  69. Jennifer Rhymer Avatar
    Jennifer Rhymer

    I went trick or treating as meals on wheels – roller blades on and platic dishes glued to a tray :)

  70. zoe lucas Avatar
    zoe lucas

    I wore a witch outfit to a Halloween party

  71. julie munro Avatar
    julie munro

    last weekend i was a ladybird for our netball teams night out. theme was things with wings!

  72. kay panayi Avatar
    kay panayi

    i was a school girl for my friends hen night

  73. Elizabeth Williams Avatar
    Elizabeth Williams

    A witch for a halloween party

  74. Kerry Kilmister Avatar

    I really had to think back for this. I think I was 18 and it was for my friends 21st birthday party. I went as royalty – i bought a second hand gold wedding dress from a charity shop, bought a cheap tiara and full length gloves – it was a great costume but very hard to move about in!

  75. Doreen Mccarthy Avatar

    I put a witches outfit on a few years ago for a Halloween party!

  76. Joanna Butler-Savage Avatar
    Joanna Butler-Savage

    a nurse -you can guess why!!

  77. brenda heads Avatar
    brenda heads

    I have never dressed up in a fancy dress outfit – how boring am I.

  78. TRACY MOORE Avatar

    I went to a Halloween party last year dressed as Beetlejuice. xxx

  79. Janine Atkin Avatar
    Janine Atkin

    i went as an ugly witch to a halloween party

  80. Liz ferguson Avatar
    Liz ferguson

    Our family went to a friends anniversary dressed as the Adam family.

  81. helen booth Avatar
    helen booth

    I was a devil a few years ago at a friends annual Halloween party! I leave it to the kids these days!!

  82. jessica newman Avatar
    jessica newman

    My friend had a moving in party which was fancy dress and I went as Daisy Duke

  83. Kirsty Woods Avatar
    Kirsty Woods

    Nurse, for my husband ;)

  84. Laura Pritchard Avatar
    Laura Pritchard

    I went as Tutenkhamun to a ‘T’ Party

  85. Emma Bradshaw Avatar

    I dressed as princess for my daughter’s 5th birthday party.

  86. theresa cooke Avatar
    theresa cooke

    I went to a friends birthday which had a 40’s theme, dressed up in vintage dress and hair and hubby wore a friends army parade attire

  87. Vicky Osborne Avatar
    Vicky Osborne

    I dressed up as Peppa Pig for my nephew’s birthday

  88. sarah lee Avatar
    sarah lee

    I was dressed as Freddie Mercury at my friends birthday party!!

  89. Jade Lewendon Avatar

    When I was younger, my Mum let us go to a Halloween party last minute, so me and my siblings all went as a pack of ghost, white sheet style!

    Jade x

  90. Jade Walsh Avatar
    Jade Walsh

    Last Halloween I dressed up as a Goth Zombie and went to a steam punk party! :)

  91. Mary Avatar

    My daughter made me dress up as a fairy xD to her friends fancy dress party!

  92. MANDY DOHERTY Avatar

    Last Halloween as a zombie

  93. debbie jackson Avatar
    debbie jackson

    Spongebob for my daughters birthday party

  94. barbara clarke Avatar
    barbara clarke

    I went as Madonna to an 80’s party

  95. Hayley Todd Avatar
    Hayley Todd

    I dressed up last Halloween for a family party as a zombie cheerleader

  96. Kate Sabin-Burns Avatar
    Kate Sabin-Burns

    I have never done the fancy dress thing :( I was supposed to go all 80’s last year for my sisters 30th, but missed it because I was poorly

  97. Donna Gilligan Avatar
    Donna Gilligan

    A Witch to answer the door to trick or treaters last halloween

  98. Laura Oxley Avatar
    Laura Oxley

    Minnie Mouse for Disney’s Magic Kingdom Halloween Party.

  99. Adrian Clarke Avatar
    Adrian Clarke

    Dressed as one of the scousers from the Harry Enfield show at my brothers 40th!

  100. Sinead Colyn Avatar
    Sinead Colyn

    My boyfriend and I went as mafia husband and wife! He wore a black pin stripe suit and i wore a gorgeous cocktail dress with a gun in my stockings!!

  101. Petra Hora Avatar
    Petra Hora

    My boy dressed up as Incy Wincy Spider last year.

  102. karen Martin Avatar
    karen Martin

    I dressed up as a school girl for my now sister-in-laws hen night :-)

  103. sharon williams Avatar
    sharon williams

    A Martian for a brownie halloween party

  104. Jacqueline Roberts Avatar
    Jacqueline Roberts

    I dressed as a pirate

  105. carol boffey Avatar
    carol boffey

    a Halloween party as a zombie bride

  106. Leanne Bell Avatar
    Leanne Bell

    I went as Princess Fiona to a Hollywood themed party. I Even used face paint to make myself green.

  107. Kirsty Harrington Avatar
    Kirsty Harrington

    I went as a witch, to a Halloween fancy dress party, didn’t need to do much, just grab me broom stick as I left the house…….cackle cackle cackle

  108. Naomi Buchan Avatar
    Naomi Buchan

    The corpse bride for halloween x

  109. Hayley Louise Colburn Avatar
    Hayley Louise Colburn

    I dressed as a mummy last halloween, my mates wrapped me up in badages, it was horrible lol, I could hardly move and was boiling hot, was a really great laugh though

  110. George Brown Avatar
    George Brown

    I went as a roman centurian outside the colliseum

  111. Vicki G Avatar
    Vicki G

    A Witch for a Halloween party

  112. Danielle Avatar

    Last Halloween I went as a dead German Beer Waitress haha :)

  113. Allison Campbell Avatar
    Allison Campbell

    I went as The Bride of Chucky last Halloween

  114. rebecca smith Avatar
    rebecca smith

    i was at my daughters championship weekend for morris dancing at pontins and we all dressed up at night as the eighties we wore tutus and bright leg warmers and gloves we were very bright lol :) x

  115. Alan blackie Avatar
    Alan blackie

    I was a zombie schoolgirl last year

  116. Hollie Avatar

    I was Dorothy last hallowween

  117. Louise Avatar

    I was a witch last year

  118. Zoe Roxby Avatar
    Zoe Roxby

    A Psycho Doll to a halloween party freaked everyone out when I shouted MAMA when I walked through the door hahaha

  119. Becky Downey Avatar
    Becky Downey

    batman for halloween

  120. Sharon Bell Avatar
    Sharon Bell

    I was a horny devil at a 60th birthday party :-)

  121. lowri earith Avatar
    lowri earith

    a ghostbuster and bizarely my husband went as one 2 to a different party (this was years before we met) x

  122. Jade Missy Evans Avatar
    Jade Missy Evans

    A dead bride, last Halloween. Put fake blood in just at the start of my hair line and smudged it a little to look more ‘real’ … Took me weeks to get the red stain out of my hair!

    It was a good look though. :)

  123. Sam @happyhomebird Avatar

    Alice in Wonderland for an afternoon tea party.

  124. champaklal lad Avatar
    champaklal lad

    James Bond – International Assignments

  125. Diane Wood Avatar
    Diane Wood

    A Hawaiian theme for a 50th birthday patry

  126. Jo Glasspool Avatar
    Jo Glasspool

    Cat woman when i went to a super hero themed birthday party. x

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