Win two Halloween Outfits from the Nutmeg Collection and a £10 Voucher

Here Comes Halloween!

Like most other kids, my 6 year old has always loved getting dressed up.  She will wear fancy dress to parties that aren’t even fancy dress.  I distinctly remember last year her turning up to a party in fancy dress, on more than one occasion, and the other parents couldn’t help but laugh and knew exactly who it was right away.  I do love the confidence and not in a rush for her to grow out of it.

Last Christmas she asked for a Donkey Fancy dress outfit and I obliged, this is after I worked her down from getting a real donkey.  For Halloween last year she went as a rather scary werewolf and managed to frighten the life out of a friend of mine and two dogs went for her until she took the mask off!  Last week when I went to the shops her dad and her got into the Halloween costumes in the loft, hence the Cruella De Vil outfit.

Fancy Dress for Kids

I’m not sure what she wants to go as for Halloween but I did hear the Grim Reaper muted.  Not sure how appropriate that is and whether they have one in a 6.  At least, she isn’t into going as a Disney Princess as Halloween, to me, is about all thinks spooky!

Win an adorable Halloween Outfit from the Nutmeg Collection

To celebrate Halloween Morrison’s is offering my readers a chance to win two items of their choice from their Nutmeg Halloween collection along with a £10 Voucher.  Here are a few examples of the range. Aren’t the clothes adorable?

Halloween Outfits from Morrisons

Simply enter using the Rafflecopter form below.  The full Terms and Conditions are at the bottom of the form but in short it’s open to UK residents 18 years of age and older and closes on the 24th Oct 2013.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck and Happy Halloween

This competition is listed on Loquax, Prize Finder and Competition Hunter.

Author: mediocremum

A slightly older mum of one, who drinks far too much red wine and has an unhealthy obsession with her slow cooker. During the day she's an ICT Trainer, Social Media/Online Marketing consultant and does a bit of public speaking. Full Profile on Google+

130 thoughts on “Win two Halloween Outfits from the Nutmeg Collection and a £10 Voucher”

  1. I went as a pirate to a friends party and my husband was my partner pirate – ph er me hartys :-)

  2. My little girl is 4 and really taking an interest in halloween this year, looking forward to giving out sweets at the door, hope someone knocks!

  3. It was for a New Year Eve partyand the these was film goodies and baddies and I went as Chun Li from Streetfighter! was a FAB night!

  4. My little man is 3 and really showing an interest in Halloween this year he has enjoyed helping to make our pumpkin, he loves dressing up.

  5. I just had fake blood and wore black. It must not have been very good because when I turned around a friend asked ‘oh no, what have you done to your face’ !

  6. I dressed as a Saint Trinian’s school prefect for a school reunion- I had been the teacher!!

  7. I went to my friends sons 3rd birthday party as a pirate, I was heavily pregnant and had to raid my husbands wardrobe, it was a great day!


  9. I went out spookin all the children in my area with my little boy in a cat women outfit , I ended up getting wolf whistles from little lads which was not very nice for my 6 year old son . Cat women is not allowed out on our streets any more . So back to being a witch it is ! :-) easy and scares more I think

  10. I went trick or treating as meals on wheels – roller blades on and platic dishes glued to a tray :)

  11. I really had to think back for this. I think I was 18 and it was for my friends 21st birthday party. I went as royalty – i bought a second hand gold wedding dress from a charity shop, bought a cheap tiara and full length gloves – it was a great costume but very hard to move about in!

  12. I was a devil a few years ago at a friends annual Halloween party! I leave it to the kids these days!!

  13. I went to a friends birthday which had a 40’s theme, dressed up in vintage dress and hair and hubby wore a friends army parade attire

  14. I have never done the fancy dress thing :( I was supposed to go all 80’s last year for my sisters 30th, but missed it because I was poorly

  15. My boyfriend and I went as mafia husband and wife! He wore a black pin stripe suit and i wore a gorgeous cocktail dress with a gun in my stockings!!

  16. I went as Princess Fiona to a Hollywood themed party. I Even used face paint to make myself green.

  17. I went as a witch, to a Halloween fancy dress party, didn’t need to do much, just grab me broom stick as I left the house…….cackle cackle cackle

  18. I dressed as a mummy last halloween, my mates wrapped me up in badages, it was horrible lol, I could hardly move and was boiling hot, was a really great laugh though

  19. i was at my daughters championship weekend for morris dancing at pontins and we all dressed up at night as the eighties we wore tutus and bright leg warmers and gloves we were very bright lol :) x

  20. A Psycho Doll to a halloween party freaked everyone out when I shouted MAMA when I walked through the door hahaha

  21. a ghostbuster and bizarely my husband went as one 2 to a different party (this was years before we met) x

  22. A dead bride, last Halloween. Put fake blood in just at the start of my hair line and smudged it a little to look more ‘real’ … Took me weeks to get the red stain out of my hair!

    It was a good look though. :)

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