The Slummies!

As most of you know we’ve been going through bit of a shit time at the moment with elderly in-laws and really haven’t had the time or energy to blog.  But during this time I came across ‘The Slummies’ and it really gave me a much needed laugh.  It’s for parents who just don’t care (tongue in cheek)!  I find many parents and/or bloggers take themselves far too seriously sometimes.

Do check it out.  You may even want to nominate yourself.  The categories are hilarious; too lazy to blog, unrestrained moocher, social climber, etc.  It also gave me a chance to find like minded parents!  I probably shouldn’t be proud of it but I’ve nomated myself for the Biggest Lush!  I’ll let you know when the voting begins.

Secret Post Club

What a treat to return home to see that the postman has been and brought me a gift instead of bills.   For those of you who don’t know what the Secret Post Club is, it’s the brainchild of Heather from Notesfromlapland.  It’s basically a giant Secret Santa for bloggers.  Each month everyone chucks their name in and then you are assigned a person to send a gift to.  For more info or to join in click here.

This is the first time I have been involved and I received my first gift today. Emily sent me home-made blue cheese biscuits, wonderfully wrapped and with a hand written note.  I haven’t had a handwritten letter in years, what a treat.  She obviously put a lot of thought into this gift and spent time exploring my blog to see what I’d like.  It probably didn’t take her long to work out that I can’t cook and I drink too much red wine.  It’s the perfect gift and I can’t wait to try them but I’ll have to wait until wine o’clock.  Many thanks Emily!

As for the gift I sent.  There has been a wee hiccup.  I’ll tell you all about it later.

How to Stop People from Tagging you in Photos on FB

This is a major pitfall of Facebook as there is no setting to automatically stop people from doing this. There is nothing like going out on the razz and then finding your face plastered (in all senses) all over FB for the world to see, including family, spouses and possibly future employers!

You can untag each photo individually but I have better things to do than go searching for them all. Plus, I don’t want to offend the person who tagged me in the first place.

The only solution I found was to limit who can see the tags to ‘just you’. Try this and let me know if it works and if you know a better way do let me know!


You made me spit my drink out!

I’ve developed this award for those blog posts (not blogger or blog but actual post) that make me spit coffee all over my keyboard; you know the ones that deserve more than a retweet, comment, PMSL, ROFLMAO, or LOL.

I’d like to build up a list of my favourite posts so I can revisit them and hopefully you can enjoy them too and maybe meet some new people….I know you can favourite posts in Google Reader but I only want to include those real corkers.

Here is my list so far:

Attack of the Redneck Mommy – Feral is as Feral Does

Notes from Lapland – Vagina Secrets Part Deux

Vegemitevix – Flying Brazilian

Who’s the Mummy – Just too good not to share

Feel free to take the badge and pass it on.  However, I’d love to see your Tena moment posts.  If you have any must reads please do let me know!