Tag: canada

  • Happy Canada Day Quiz!

    [slickquiz id=1] So how did you do? Happy Canada Day to all my Canadian friends and family!    

  • Planes, trains and automobiles

    A couple of weeks ago we parked our VW Passat on the drive and headed to Canada. I have to say my hubby doesn’t miss commuting into London by train nor do I miss sitting stationary on the M25. We’ve driven everything from an AC Cobra to quad bikes. Sometimes I do wonder why I…

  • Ski Holidays for the Family

    Yes, this is a sponsored post but it’s a genuine question.  A group of our friends are going on a Ski Holiday in Austria in Feb and have invited us along.  This particular group of friends are a great laugh but the majority of them don’t have kids.  However, they’ve always been brilliant with our…

  • When I was a kid……

    I never appreciated how lucky I was growing up in Canada, until I had my daughter.   It now hits home whenever I roll up the rug in the front room, so she can ride her tricycle around the lounge and spend endless hours suffering germ infested soft play centres. When I was a kid (god,…

  • I’m so proud!

    I’ve never been so proud! Bear in mind I’m Canadian, it’s independence day and it’s in jest! httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qi9sS-YRv2U