Tag: risotto
Easy Oven Baked Sausage and Tomato Risotto
Stir Free Sausage and Tomato Risotto Everyone is a sucker for a photo of a cute puppy, right? Don’t worry it will all make sense soon. I don’t often make Risotto as I don’t have the time or patience to be standing at the cooker for 40-50 minutes stirring. However, I came across this recipe…
Salmon and Cucumber Risotto (Slow Cooker)
This was surprisingly nice and has gone onto our ‘keeper’ list. It was light, fluffy and tasty, perfect for a warm spring evening. Serves 4 Cooking Temp: High Time: 2 hours 45 minutes WW Pro Points: 11 per serving Ingredients 25 g butter Small bunch of spring onions, finely chopped ½ a cucumber, peeled,…
Slow Cooker Shiitake Mushroom Risotto
I love Risotto but I hate making it. I have the attention span of a goldfish and can’t bear to stand in front of the cooker ladling and stirring, ladling and stirring for 30 minutes. So, I was over the moon when I learned that you could do it in the slow cooker, no stirring…