How to Remove Crayon

Bloody Hell!  I can’t believe it worked!  Madame had drawn on not 1 but 5 of our painted walls with not just any old crayon, but a heavy duty extra greasy whiteboard one!  I tried baby wipes but they didn’t work.  A few people on twitter suggested using WD 40.

I did think they were insane but tried it and it came off in a breeze, very little elbow grease required.  Sprayed a bit on, wiped, then sprayed a bit more if it didn’t come off.  I had all the walls clean in less than 10 minutes!  However, I’m a bit stoned from the fumes!

Please note:  It didn’t change the colour of the walls.  The photos were take on different days.

When I Get Around To it!

My father was a very hard working man.  He was a heavy duty welder who worked in the mines and on the oil rigs.  However, when it came to doing stuff around the house he would always say ‘I’ll do it when I get around to it’.  Guess it was kind of like a busman’s holiday.

So, one day, my Stepmonster, which is what I affectionately call her (do note the sarcasm) presented him with a circular piece of fabric with the TUIT embroidered on the front.  However much I dislike the woman, it was funny, and from that day forward it was on display on the wall near the sink so he could never again say ‘when I get around to it’ as he now had one.

Not in a twisted sort of way but my hubby does remind me of my own father sometimes.  We have a huge list of things that need doing.

May I present my case:

These are the chimney pots that were purchased when I was pregnant with Madame and as you can see they are still not in place and she is 3 and a half!

I put these paint testers on the kitchen wall two and a half years ago and the kitchen is still not painted.  I’ve actually gone off the colours now!

And lastly, but more recent we had our windows replaced a few months ago, which was a disaster in itself.  You can read the whole post here.  We ended up with ply chipboard instead of window blinds for a week; we lived like mushrooms with no light. Unfortunately, the builder hasn’t come back to do the finishing off work so we still haven’t put the last wooden blind back up and the other one is only hung temporarily.  It would be really nice to watch TV without the neighbours being able to peer in.

I could go on and on but no point really.  I should just get on and do it myself or hire someone to do it for me!  Alternatively, I could take up needle point and make him a round TUIT!

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The Correct Way to Give Change

This really winds me up…..

When I pop into a shop, it’s usually because I’ve forgotten something; I normally have Madame in tow, often carrying a scooter, laden with shopping bags, my Iphone and/or my wallet in hand. So, when they give me my change like this, I end up having to drop everything, because it takes two hands to slide the change off the bills, deposit them in my pocket and then separate the bills from the receipt and tuck them away safely.  Then I have to start the whole process of loading myself up again like a nomadic traveller when the seasons change.

Why can’t they give me my change like this…

Then I could deal with it one handed, slip the change into my pocket, then the bills without having to put everything down and be out of their way much faster.

I’m a Grumpy Old Woman. Are you? Help yourself to a badge.


How to Drive in the Snow!

I’m by no means an expert on driving in the snow.  However, I’m Canadian and started driving at 16 (23 years ago) so I have a few years driving in treacherous weather.  I once called the AA and they said they’d get to me in 3 days!  This post is tempting fate and I’m sure I’ll end up pranging the car in the next few days so you can all point and laugh.

The thought of driving in the snow here in the UK doesn’t faze me, it’s the other people that, frankly, terrify me.  I’m often surprised when schools are closed and people can’t make it to work.  I know it’s not fair to compare Canada to the UK as you don’t have the infrastructure in place for a few days of snow but these short periods of weather seem to be getting longer and longer every year.

“Too many motorists simply jump in their cars on chilly mornings and treat adverse weather conditions as an inconvenience. The reality is that without proper preparation and a change in driving style, the consequences of snow and ice can be fatal.” from the BBC.

So, here are a few of my own tips to keep you a bit safer.

1.)    If you’re not confident or the thought of driving in the snow makes your blood pressure race then for the love of god walk away from the car, go back inside and make yourself a nice warm cuppa.  If you’re a nervous driver you won’t be able to react in time and will end up doing something stupid.  No journey is worth it.

2.)    DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT use your brakes unless you absolutely have to.  Yes, this means that you have to drive at Grandma Speed but at least you’ll be able to stop when you need to.  If you are driving a manual use your gears.  If it is an automatic transmission then use the lower gears…those are denoted by the D1 and D2 on the column shift.

3.)    Do not speed

4.)    Just because you have a 4X4 it doesn’t mean you’re invincible so slow the f*ck down.  I don’t know how many times in Canada I’ve driven (smugly) past SUVs in the ditch in my little town car.

5.)    This one is actually in the road code, but most people seem to have forgotten.  If you are coming down a hill (icy or not) the person coming up the hill has the right of way.  If the person coming up the hill has to stop on an icy slope the laws of physics makes it nearly impossible for them to get going again.  If you are coming down the hill and unable to stop then you’re going to fast!

6.)    Use second gear when pulling out from a stop; it will prevent the wheels from spinning.

7.)    Try not to change gears when going up a hill.

8.)    If the worst happens and you start to skid, take your foot off the accelerator, DO NOT brake and steer in the direction of the skid.

Hope you have a safe journey!


Replacement Windows

We desperately needed new windows.  They were single pane and the frames were rotting.  In winter, you could feel the gale force winds coming through.  We really couldn’t afford it but had to push the boat out to get some new ones.  To save a few pennies hubby decided against having a professional company do it and arranged to have ‘someone he knows’ install them, always a fatal error.  The measurements were double checked. The windows arrived in July amidst in-laws dying and they’ve been sitting in the garden ever since.

Today was the big day for the installations.  They quickly set up removing the old ones and installing the new ones.  So what do you think?

As you can see they hit a bit of a hiccup.   It wasn’t until they removed the old ones that they realised that the new ones didn’t fit.  There is a lot of finger pointing going on now.  Apparently, the people who made the windows didn’t take into consideration the corner posts, which should have been deducted from the measurements.  The only thing I know is that I won’t be paying for a new set.  Thankfully, they’re rushing through a new set and should be installed on Friday.

Weirdly, the ply windows are much warmer than the old ones????  I think we may be onto a new trend.  We’re calling it ‘Squat Chic’ it’s all the rage.  We may spray paint some graffiti on it; put some needles underneath and a can of Special Brew to finish orf!