Lets Talk Benefits

UK BenefitsLast night, stemmed from a Blog Post ‘How (Not) to Survive on Benefits’ written by Nickie from Typecast, we had a Google+ Hangout talking about the UK Benefits system.  It wasn’t exactly what I was expecting but I did learn a few things.

I was hoping to chat more about people’s perceptions of people on benefits and the system.  This is not something I have a strong opinion on but did have some predisposed ideas of people on benefits and wanted to work out, through discussion, how I felt about it all.

Is abuse as wide-spread as we think?

Prior to the discussion I did a bit of research and apparently the number of fraudulent claimants are a lot less than we think.  One person, linked to the DLA said it was less than 1%.  I found this very interesting and this supports the idea that the government and media are making us blame the poor labeling them as ‘scroungers’ to justify their upcoming benefit cuts.

The working poor

I also found it very interesting that a large majority of people on benefits are people, who are in fact working, and that their wages are not enough to survive on so they need to rely on benefits  to make up this shortfall.  Jax has written an interesting post about the need to look more at the working wage.  I was stunned to hear what the minimum wage is.

As Jax said, we live in a civilized society and looking after our most vulnerable is reflective of this, I would never suggest getting rid of the benefits system, but it is there to help those genuinely in need and I do still think there is abuse.

How to encourage people back to work

Lynn made a very valuable comment, that we need to look more at child-care subsidies, I know many woman who have found that it’s not financially viable to go back to work after having kids due to the ridiculous cost of child-care.  Wouldn’t it be better to give people incentives to go back to work?  Why go back to work if you will be worse off?

But why do I feel so damn guilty about being middle class and continually found myself apologizing for the fact.  This is not to say that we’ve not had times of trouble in the past and did call on the benefit system but only for a short period, while we got back on our feet and this is how I feel it should be used.   It’s not a long-term solution bar people with illness and disabilities.

Role Models

We have worked hard to get to this point and possibly to the detriment of our daughter when she was little, I could have opted to stay at home and go on benefits but went back to work instead.   Isn’t it better to show her that working hard is the answer and not to sit back and accept hand-outs.  I grew up in a single parent house-hold with a hard-working mother that held down three jobs at times and never relied on the state or anyone else.

This is a huge topic to cover in one blog post but I would love to carry on this conversation.  What do you think?

Flickr Photo Credit Maynard

Is Tescos Cheaper?

Tesco Price Promise

Weekly shop for £50?  You are having a laugh…..

I was asked last week to review Tesco’s New Price Promise; you do your normal shop, then if you have done it online, like I did, you receive and email that shows you if you could have saved money by shopping elsewhere and they will refund you the difference.  If you’ve shopped in store there is a number on the bottom of your receipt and you can go to the website, enter the number and it will show you the same.

I did joke in the beginning that £50 would barely cover my wine for the week, but I took up the challenge, omitted wine and managed to do my weekly shop for less than the £50.  I was rather impressed with myself and will order a case of wine in shortly.

Weirdly for someone who spends most of her life online, I’ve never really got on with online shopping.  However, I haven’t done it in years and I found the process to be incredibly easy and may be persuaded to do it again.

I received this email this morning:

Tesco Price Promise

Tesco is on to a winner.  Even though I can get it cheaper elsewhere I”m now determined to shop with them to redeem by voucher?

Disclosure:  I was reimbursed to a value of £50 in return for this post.

How to display kid’s artwork

Kids Toys

This is so true!  A while back I naively thought I’d get Madame to help me go through her toys.  Big mistake, we unearthed things that she hadn’t played with in years and then she insisted on keeping them.  Next time, I’ll do it when she’s at school.

The same goes for all of the artwork she brings home.  It’s a nightmare, when she’s not looking I do burn a lot of it, heaven help me if she catches me,  but I do keep any pictures that she is truly proud of or makes me laugh hysterically, like the one below.  Apparently it’s a rattlesnake but I thought it looked like a……

Kid's Artwork

But what the hell do I do with it all, I’ve started a scrap book but recently I bought this frame from Articulate.com (£24.95) it’s freaking brilliant.  The end is open so you can just slot in her artwork, it makes her so proud and we can have an ever-changing art installation in the kitchen.

Displaying kids artwork

Do you have any other clever ideas for displaying children’s artwork?

Disclosure:  Coincidentally after purchasing one of these for myself, I did receive a second one from The Handpicked Collection for review purposes.

Hail to McDonald’s!

£145 for Wet wipes !?!?!?!?

This goes out as a WARNING TO ALL PARENTS.

Romantic Bath

I need to rewind a bit, on Saturday night, I was having a bath, you know all romantic candles etc, who am I kidding, I was surrounded by plastic bath toys.  Anyhow, when I drained the bath I heard an unfamiliar gurgling sound.

I really didn’t take much notice, but it quickly became apparent that both our loos were blocked.  We tried the usual caustic soda and plunger but to no avail.  We called Dynorod, but luckily for us no one was free on the weekend, as this would have cost us a fortune.  So we waited until Monday.

The problem gets worse

In the meantime, we thought it was isolated to the loos.  I had to pop out to a Birthday on Sunday, Soft Play Hell and as I left, I popped the washing machine one, you know, perpetually multitasking.  I received a distressed phone call from hubby who was ankle deep in waste.  I did laugh.  Apparently the block went beyond the loos.

It’s amazing how reliant we become on convenience.  We could no longer use the loos, shower or use the washing machine.  Luckily we have a McDonald’s around the corner for a McWee and a McSh*t.  I’ve traveled the world and they will always have a clean loo!


However, for a 5 year old it’s not as easy.  I won’t go into graphic detail but it did require looking for a kitchen utensil that you could throw away and a bit of fishing!

Help arrives!

My knight in shining Armour arrived late afternoon on Monday, after a covert trip to McD’s.


This is when we realised that, being mid terrace, we had no access to the pipes.  At one point we had a discussion about lifting the tiles and cutting a hole in the floor.  Pound signs flashed before my eyes.  Luckily for us, the lovely chap, who could have walked away and come back after we had a plumber in to reveal the pipes, went beyond the call of duty.  We had to remove the toilet, which is beyond their remit and he used what I’d call a toilet ‘snake’ which was about 30 ft long, it ‘just’ reached the blockage.

Sneaky Bugger!

I knew damn well before he even told me, who the culprit was.  I was going to hide the packages before he arrived, but he said there was no point, as he would have worked it out.  He said when he sees a blockage straight away, if the water doesn’t recede, it’s baby wipes.  Apparently, they make a rather impressive seal.  Paper will break down, baby wipes will not and they hold onto the pipes for dear life!

I can’t believe it was our beloved baby wipes; I’d never bought them before having kids but would never live without them now!  They take off everything from mascara to permanent ink to crayon to scuffs on your shoes.  They are a wonder to be hold, but DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT ever put them down the loo!  But if you do it may cost you £145!






Win a Gorgeous Washable Children’s Rug from Lorena Canals

Washable Kids RugI was absolutely gutted when I was approached by Lorena Canals Rugs based in Spain to review one of their children’s rugs as they are absolutely gorgeous and they’re washable!!!  Yes, you heard me right.  There is no need to take it to the cleaners.

Unfortunately, after careful measuring I worked out that there was no way it would fit in my daughter’s room.  This isn’t because the rugs are too big it’s just my daughter’s room is too small.  The rugs measure 120cm x 160cm.

So I thought, I’d give one of you the opportunity to win one, the Topos Crema pictured above.  Simply enter using the Rafflecopter form below.  The full terms and conditions are at the bottom of the form.  UK residents only aged 18+.  Competition Closes on the 27th Feb 2013

This competition is listed on Loquax, Prize Finder and Competition Hunter

Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway