Penny has Dropped (in the pot)

This week we have been having another go at potty training, but it didn’t start off well.  I armed myself with loads of knickers, 1001 spray, mop, sticker chart, chocolate buttons and had a quick read of Gina Ford’s ‘Potty Training in One Week’.  To start, we gave her a chocolate button for sitting on the potty.  She’d sit on it for ages but……..nothing.  I tried rubbing her back, singing her songs, tickling, pulling funny faces, reading her stories.  I was just about to give up when…

I was upstairs getting ready on Friday (bear in mind we started on Mon) and she was playing in her room, with the potty nearby and without any prompting she plunked herself down on it and swish, which was followed by loads of praise and chocolate of course.  We had a couple of similar successes after that and then last night, this is probably too much information, but we were watching TV and she took herself off to the loo.  We didn’t realise what was going on until we heard her shouting ‘bye bye poo’.  Blimey she’d climbed onto the big loo and used it all on her own.

Then the penny dropped, what she needed was PRIVACY!  I think I’d turn into the Hoover Dam if someone was rubbing my back, singing stories to me, tickling etc while I was sitting on the pan!  Doh!

Things Kids Say….

and 9 other things that make me smile.


Thanks to Heather @notesfromlapland for tagging me for this one.  I think she took pity on me, as noone had tagged me yet.  As usual, I’d like to make this open to everyone (not sure if this is against the rules) but it would be great to know if you do, so I can link back to you.

All you need to do is write a post, it doesn’t have to be a video of 10 things that make you smile and add this little badge.

Don’t you just want to throttle them sometimes……

Do you ever have those moments when one second you want to throttle your kids and the next you want to cuddle them.  It may have something to do with it being school holidays, hubby has industry week so out all week and we’re potty training.  I was at the point of wanting to write a post about pampering to kids, giving them control and putting my foot down and then………..


God I love her!

Do you post pictures of your kids?

When I first started using Twitter my daughter had one of those falling asleep in her pasta moments so I quickly took a photo and sent my first Twitpic.

I really didn’t think anything about it until one of my colleagues sent me an email asking if I felt comfortable putting photos of my gorgeous blonde daughter on the net.  Admittedly, she had just been involved in delivering some Internet Safety Courses for schools and had heard stories that made her toes curl.  My first reaction was why not?

So, me being me, I set off trolling the internet looking for more information.  I found two interesting sites, with two very different ideas, but for the life of me I can’t lay my hands on them again.

The first was a woman who had worked with paedophiles for over 15 years and she was saying that this is not how they work.  According to her they’re opportunists and don’t tend to find children on the net, then set about tracking them down.  They’re more likely to snatch a child from a park.  This put me at ease a bit but I’ve seen numerous stories on the news that contradict this with older men grooming teenagers and then skipping the country with them.

The second put chills up my spine.  I’m not a user of Flickr so may get the terminology wrong.  Apparently, there’ve been incidences of people (using the term loosely) favouriting and tagging photos of people’s children for their own enjoyment and making it easier for other Sickos to find them.  After my initial disgust, the first question that sprang to mind was ‘why on earth would people put half-naked pictures of their children on the internet in the first place?’

But, I’ve seen this time and time again on Facebook, holiday shots of friends’ kids in their birthday suits.  Yes, the photos are adorable but I don’t think they realise that the rest of the world can see them.  I do upload photos of my daughter to FB but I’m very careful in the ones that I choose.  I have a gorgeous arty photo of Madame picking tomatoes in her Grandma’s garden but I’d never post it.  I’ve also been through the privacy settings with a fine tooth comb and have locked my account down as best as I can.  Click here to see 10 Privacy Setting Every Facebook User Should Know

The conclusion that I have come to after my research, is that I’ll continue to share photos and videos of my daughter but will apply some common sense.  This may be a naïve (some may think stupid) view but I’m a very trusting person and I don’t want my daughter growing up in fear.  Obviously, we’ll do our best to teach her about stranger danger, but I really don’t think the world is anymore dangerous than when I grew up in the 70s,  even though the media makes us think otherwise.  Does anyone have any more information/statistics that supports or negates this?

I would love to hear your thoughts and if you have further information or links I would be most grateful.

Do you post images/videos of your kids?  Am I being naïve?

Pancake Day

I was really excited about making pancakes today.  @iaingilmour sent me a recipe for American style pancakes but it wasn’t until I started cooking them I realised that he had sent me two recipes; one for traditional American Pancakes and one for British Pancakes and I used the wrong one.  Our frying pan has a slope and when it all pooled in one corner I twigged!

I know I live in the UK now, but I was really looking forward to thick buttermilk pancakes and yes, being Canadian, I put maple syrup on my bacon.  Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to partake in the ‘Will She Flip it, A Pancake Vlog’ but here is my daughters rendition of Pancake Day.  I think it was a hit……
